Despite earlier efforts, there were still rare fill errors when door shuffle and color shuffle were on and early color hallways was off, because sphere 1 was too small. This turns "Starting Room - HI" back into a location, which should give the algorithm more room.
The "forced good item" pool has been reconsidered. The problem with the specific item that caused the recent failure (Welcome Back - Shortcut to Starting Room) is that it only provided one location when color shuffle was on, which is a net of zero considering that the GOOD LUCK check was forced. It will no longer show up as a good item unless color shuffle is off. On an opposite vein, Rhyme Room Doors will now show up even if color shuffle is on, because it gives color hallways access by itself.
A good item will only be forced onto GOOD LUCK now if there is more than one player.
The Colorful did not actually properly split into individual doors when progressive colorful was off. This change refactors the code that handles special cases with progressive items to make things clearer (which is important because I will be introducing another one).
## What is this fixing or adding?
- Roof MASTERY panels are now technically in individual regions with more descriptive names, so they can be displayed better on the tracker.
- Orange Tower Seventh Floor - Mastery has been renamed to simply Mastery.
- The Optimistic is its own region now.
- The misnamed CEILING in Room Room has been fixed.
- The misnamed CHEESE in Challenge Room has been fixed.
- The misnamed SOUND in Outside the Bold has been fixed.
- "The Bearer - Shortcut to The Bold" is now "The Bearer - Entrance".
- HUB ROOM - NEAR, FAR and the Warts Straw and Leaf Feel Areas have now been semantically combined into the "Symmetry Room". They are still logically three separate regions.
- The FACTS chain in Challenge Room has been reindexed, and the full chain panel is now indicated as such.
- The Room Room floors have been reindexed.
- Panels in The Observant are now named by their questions, not answers.
- Added a (1) subscript to several panels in Orange Tower Fourth Floor, Outside The Initiated, and The Seeker.
The validate_config.rb script has also been updated to check that all items and locations have an ID.
This change should not impact generation logic at all. It is just changing item and location names.
The final stage of Progressive Art Gallery opens up the four-way intersection between the Art Gallery, Orange Tower Fifth Floor, The Bearer, and Outside The Initiated. This is a very useful door, and it would be cool to be able to open it without having to get five progressive items. The original reason this was included in the progression was because getting into the back of Art Gallery early would cause sequence breaks. At this point, the way the client handles the Art Gallery has changed enough that it does not matter if the player can go through this door before getting all progressive art galleries.
The Colorful currently, in logic, does not expect you to solve the achievement panel until all of the doors are opened. This is not enforced by the client in complex door shuffle. It is also not typical of how achievements in Lingo usually work, and it ended up this way because of the fact that The Colorful is, uniquely, not a countdown panel. This change modifies logic so that solving each panel within The Colorful is required in order to access the achievement, rather than opening all of the doors. This will be accompanied by a change to the client that will turn the achievement panel into a countdown.
The static class with the "disable forced good item" field is gone. Now, certain tests that want to check for specific access progression can run a method that removes the forced good item and adds it back to the pool. Tests that don't care about this will collect the forced good item like normal. This should prevent the intermittent fill failures on complex doors unit tests, since the forced good item should provide enough locations to fill in.
The most serious issue this PR addresses is that entrances that use doors without items (a small subset of doors when door shuffle is on, but *every* door when door shuffle is off, which is the default) underestimate the requirements needed to use that entrance. The logic would calculate the panels needed to open the door, but would neglect to keep track of the rooms those panels were in, meaning that doors would be considered openable if you had the colors needed to solve a panel that's in a room you have no access to.
Another issue is that, previously, logic would always consider the "ANOTHER TRY" panel accessible for the purposes of the LEVEL 2 panel hunt. This could result in seeds where the player is expected to have exactly the correct number of solves to reach LEVEL 2, but in reality is short by one because ANOTHER TRY itself is not revealed until the panel hunt is complete. This change marks ANOTHER TRY as non-counting, because even though it is technically a counting panel in-game, it can never contribute to the LEVEL 2 panel hunt. This issue could also apply to THE MASTER, since it is the only other counting panel with special access rules, although it is much less likely. This change adds special handling for counting THE MASTER. These issues were possible to manifest whenever the LEVEL 2 panel hunt was enabled, which it is by default.
Smaller logic issues also fixed in this PR:
* The Orange Tower Basement MASTERY panel was marked as requiring the mastery doors to be opened, when it was actually possible to get it without them by using a painting to get into the room.
* The Pilgrim Room painting item was incorrectly being marked as a filler item, despite it being progression.
* There has been another update to the game that adds connections between areas that were previously not connected. These changes were additive, which is why they are not critical.
* The panel stacks in the rhyme room now require both colours on each panel.
Almost all of the events have been eradicated, which significantly improves both generation speed and playthrough calculation.
Previously, checking for access to a location involved checking for access to each panel in the location, as well as recursively checking for access to any panels required by those panels. This potentially performed the same check multiple times. The access requirements for locations are now calculated and flattened in generate_early, so that the access function can directly check for the required rooms, doors, and colors.
These flattened access requirements are also used for Entrance checking, and register_indirect_condition is used to make sure that can_reach(Region) is safe to use.
The Mastery and Level 2 rules now just run a bunch of access rules and count the number of them that succeed, instead of relying on event items.
Finally: the Level 2 panel hunt is now enabled even when Level 2 is not the victory condition, as I feel that generation is fast enough now for that to be acceptable.
* Lingo: Fix painting shuffle logic issue in The Wise
* Lingo: More generic painting cycle prevention
* Lingo: okay how about now
* Lingo: Consider Owl Hallway blocked painting areas in vanilla doors
* Lingo: so honestly I should've seen this one coming
* Lingo: Refined req_blocked for vanilla doors
* Lingo: Orange Tower Basement is also owl-blocked
* Lingo: Rewrite randomize_paintings to eliminate rerolls
Now, mapping is done in two phases, rather than assigning everything at once and then rerolling if the mapping is non-viable.