* Fully functional DeathLink implementation. But it's always on right now :D
* Death Link options. Last commit: All entity names being sent through slot_data
* Tutorial Gate Close logic fix
* Improved option tooltip wording
* Fixed shuffle_postgame: false not excluding some locations
* Link to latest stable client rather than full releases page
## New Features:
- EP Shuffle (Individual or Obelisk Sides, with varying difficulty levels)
- Ability to play without Puzzle Randomization (I.e. vanilla + AP layer)
- Pet the Dog to get a Puzzle Skip :) (No, really.)
## Changes:
- Starting inventory behavior improved (Consider starting items like doors and lasers logically even if they aren't part of the mode)
- Audio Log hint system improved (On low hint counts, you will no longer get the same locations hinted every time, i.e. always hints are shuffled)
## Fixes:
- Many fixes to symbol requirements
- Fixes to "shuffle_postgame" (What checks are evaluated as "postgame" in specific modes)
- Logically irrelevant doors are now "useful" instead of "progression"
* Softlock fix: 'Swamp Maze Controls' item also locks maze control other side now
* Increase default & max amount of Puzzle Skips (in response to client side changes to how they work)
* Logically require shortbox lasers to start the elevator
Fixes to postgame detection for "shuffle_postgame"
Renamed many locations to be symbol-independent ("Outside Tutorial Dots Introduction" becomes "Outside Tutorial Shed Row"). This is to set up future alternate modes, like Sigma Expert, which use completely different symbols.
Renamed most door items to be shorter, more consistent, and less... stupid. ("Bunker Bunker Entry Door" -> "Bunker Entry")
Removed "shuffle_uncommon"
Many logic fixes
New options:
Shuffle Doors: Many doors in the game will open on their own upon receiving an item ("key").
Variant - Shuffle Door/Control Panels: Many panels in the game that open doors or control devices in the world will be off until receiving their respective item ("key").
Shuffle Lasers: Lasers no longer activate by solving the laser panel, instead you will get an item that activates the laser.
Shuffle Symbols: Now that there is something else to shuffle (doors / door panels), you can turn off Symbol Rando.
Shuffle Postgame (replaces "Shuffle Hard"): The randomizer will now determine by your settings which panels are in the "postgame" - Meaning they can only be accessed after you can complete your win condition anyway.
New option: "Early Secret Area" (Opens a door to the Challenge Area from the start of the game)
New option: Victory Conditions "Mountaintop Box Short" and "Mountaintop Box Long"
New options: Number of Lasers of Mountain, Number of Lasers for Challenge
New option & item: Add some number of "Puzzle Skips", which let you skip one puzzle in the game
Many logic fixes