Enemy Shuffle awareness
Easy Item Functionality awareness
Dark Room Logic option
Boss Item Shuffle option
Silverless Ganon is a Minor Glitch
Faster Dungeon Item Fill
Add logic for superbunny access to Sahasrahla's closet (with boots)
Add logic for superbunny through Two Brother's House (with boots)
Fix superbunny logic for spiral cave and mini moldorm cave - requires a sword
Add logic for waterwalking into Waterfall Cave
Add clip to Ice Palace entrance (requires boots, pearl and flippers)
Add extra clips to inverted owg logic - PoD and Dark Lake Hylia Ledge are now in logic with just boots
Add clip to flute point 6 into inverted owg logic - some light world locations are now accessible with boots and mitts, but no pearl or mirror.
* Fix Waterfall entrance being inaccessible with the flippers.
Fix Spectacle Rock and Bombos Tablet requiring moon pearl
* Inverted - make the blacksmith, purple chest, bottle merchant and master sword pedestal accessible without the moon pearl.
* Fix moon pearl checks to avoid requiring moon pearl for mirror accessible locations.
* Dark Desert Teleporter requires the mitts
* Fix OWG bunny rules
* Fix another bunny rule bug.
* Separate superbunny cave into 2 regions.
For OWG, allow superbunny in superbunny cave with no mirror when entering from the bottom
Fix boots clip logic to desert teleporter ledge and TR teleporter
Fix mirror wrap logic for pyramid fairy
For insanity shuffle, exiting Superbunny Cave bottom is now in logic.
* Always require pearl for Swamp (Superbunny cannot do anything)
* Allow clipping into the GT entrance
* Add OWG tests from vt_randomizer
* Add some extra vanilla test cases
* Allow superbunny into the Blind's Hideout entrance.
* More moon pearl / superbunny fixes
Use the Catfish region properly, so Catfish Descent works.
* Allow superbunny into tavern
Fix inverted Kings Grave logic
* Inverted OWG tests
* Update unit tests for King's Tomb clip.
* All superbunny to spiral cave item (with sword)
* Bunny revive is not possible in Sanctuary.
* More inverted tests
* Add/fix test cases
* Fix logic for Magic Bat
* Fix merge to multiworld
* Fix Floodgate superbunny rule
* Require bunny revival for all dungeons except for Swamp/TR Main/Hera/Sanctuary, which have extra requirements
* Require a weapon for Castle Tower.
* Test case fixes
* Update test case - superbunny into Kakariko Tavern is in logic
Does not include the server/client code or the rom writes
specific to it. Indeed it cannot write multiworld roms at
all right now, pending addition future updates to support
the official ALTTPR Multiworld client.
Includes some GUI changes by Alaszun
Co-authored-by: Alaszun <koelze@google.com>
A longstanding issue is that Fairy Ascension Cave has been treated as a simple two way connector, but in reality bunny cannot "logically" go through the cave in reverse as it requires lifting some pots with super bunny. This super bunny state is effectively unavoidable and can really only be lost if you have Boots and foolishly bonk before lifting a pot, but for logical consistency fixing this is the right thing to do. The logic should now correctly see that the cave is a two way connection with no particular item requirements in general but that the reverse direction isn't bunny transversable.
This should now work fairly completely. I've added the IR's junk hint text, updated the base ROM to v30, added a checkbox to the GUI/option to the command line to control the hint system, and fixed a bug in the previous upload that listed Skull Woods final erroneously in two arrays. I also now shuffle the Silver Arrow locations before hinting at the first one (so if multiple Silver Arrows are in a seed, all of them are equally likely to be the one Ganon hints at) and now call out "Castle Tower" in hints as a unique location and not as "Hyrule Castle" (what was I thinking on that?).
The junk hints still need filled in. For now, they're just clones of the Tavern Man hints. Also I haven't really tested this at all beyond verifying it runs and the ROM it makes boots. That needs to be addressed of course.
This is necessary to account for exiting here without otherwise having access to the area behind the rocks. Will mostly come up in insanity but has some extreme niches where it could matter in full.
The Dark World Hammer Pegs area and the Dark World shop in VoO are both regionalized to handle the possibility of connectors leading to them. Also an oversight in regionalizing Desert Palace that had broken the vanilla shuffle is corrected.
Desert Palace's main section is now broken into outer and inner regions separated by the pots, and the inner region is flagged as bunny impassable which should prevent the use of the central portion of Desert Main as a bunny by the logic while still permitting the outer two doors to be used as a connection.
Super Bomb logic was supposed to just be a small tweak to take care of the TODO on adding those three insanity only bomb shop locations to the logic, but then I realized that the rules for most of Death Mountain could be liberalized somewhat since that Flute to take the bomb away is also a direct access method and took care of all that. Hopefully Super Bomb logic won't need further tweaks for a good long while.
Modify Region taging to include a Dungeon Tag
Refactor to use helper methods to make it easier to see the types.
Add an underlying enum for storage on the region class