Here's a list of compiled changes for the next major release of the Rogue Legacy Randomizer.
Ability to toggle (or randomize) whether you fight vanilla bosses or challenge bosses.
Ability to change Architect settings (start with unlocked, normal, or disabled)
Ability to adjust Architect's fees.
Ability to combine chests or fairy chests into a single pool, similar to Risk of Rain 2's implementation.
Ability to change blueprints acquirement to being progressive instead of random.
Added additional classes that the player can start with and removed all other classes unlocked except for starting class. You must find them!
Ability to tweak the item pool amounts for stat ups.
Ability to define additional character names.
Ability to get a new diary check every time you enter a newly generated castle.
Added new locations ids to tracker
Added new chest & logic for Ancient pyramid
Made tracker change available locations based on flags
Made tracker only show items that are progression based on selected flags
Attenuate evolution trap increases based on game's current evolution_factor to improve difficulty slider scaling. See drive.google.com/file/d/1RBBZV3XRmvgwOTXJhr6aQJIaTatJc2WF
* Fixed mixed up locations for Aelana's chest and pedestal.
Can provide screenshots for proof.
* Fixed mixed up locations for Upper Lake Desolation double jump cave floor and platform.
Can provide screenshots for proof.
* Fixed up mixed locations for:
Aelana's chest and pedestal
Upper desolation double jump cave platform and floor
upper sealedcave after sirends chest 1 and chest 2
* Updated data version from 6 to 7
I think quadrupled prices will be plenty expensive, and this will stop people who pick "random" from getting 9999 priced items and potentially locking their multiworld behind absurd rupee grinds
* added a fallback default starting location instead of failing generation if an invalid one was chosen
* added Nothing and NoEnergy as hint blacklist
added missing NoEnergy as local items and removed it from progression
* OoT: disable mixed entrance pools and decoupled entrances for now
* OoT: fix error message crash in get_hint_area
* Oot Adjuster: kill zootdec if it's not the vanilla rom anymore
* OoT Adjuster: fix dmaTable issue
Adjuster should now work on compiled versions of the software
* OoT: don't skip dungeon items shuffled as any_dungeon for barren hints
* OoT: wrap zootdec remove in try-finally