* Hollow Knight updates: - Add configurable goals (Any, THK, Siblings, Radiance) - Change base logic to require Opened_Black_Egg_Temple instead of requiring 3 dreamers. This is future-proof for transition rando, where Black Egg might not have been located yet. - Add combat logic for THK and Radiance on par with Rando4's boss logic, so itemless HK shouldn't be required. - Existing completion logic now uses Black_Egg_te - Add White Palace options (Exclude, King Fragment Only, No Path of Pain, Include) - Excluded WP may still be required for King Fragment if Charms are not randomized - Simply don't place WP locations that are excluded - Distinguish between POP locations (required for POP), WP checks ( actual item locations), WP transitions (relevant for future transition rando), and WP events (logically required to reach King Fragment) - Many transitions were listed twice. Remove duplicates. - Sort transitions by scene - For randomizable locations that have no logical significance when not randomized, simply skip adding them to the pool entirely for theoretically faster generation. * Hollow Knight updates - Support random starting geo up to 1000 geo. - Always include locations rather than dropping unrandomized "logicless" ones, as it is required to best support same-slot coop. |
.github | ||
WebHostLib | ||
data | ||
docs | ||
test | ||
worlds | ||
.gitignore | ||
BaseClasses.py | ||
ChecksFinderClient.py | ||
CommonClient.py | ||
FF1Client.py | ||
FactorioClient.py | ||
Fill.py | ||
Generate.py | ||
Launcher.py | ||
LttPAdjuster.py | ||
Main.py | ||
MinecraftClient.py | ||
ModuleUpdate.py | ||
MultiServer.py | ||
NetUtils.py | ||
OoTAdjuster.py | ||
OoTClient.py | ||
Options.py | ||
Patch.py | ||
README.md | ||
SNIClient.py | ||
Starcraft2Client.py | ||
Utils.py | ||
WebHost.py | ||
host.yaml | ||
inno_setup.iss | ||
kvui.py | ||
meta.yaml | ||
playerSettings.yaml | ||
pytest.ini | ||
requirements.txt | ||
setup.py |
| Install
Archipelago provides a generic framework for developing multiworld capability for game randomizers. In all cases, presently, Archipelago is also the randomizer itself.
Currently, the following games are supported:
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
- Factorio
- Minecraft
- Subnautica
- Slay the Spire
- Risk of Rain 2
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- Timespinner
- Super Metroid
- Secret of Evermore
- Final Fantasy
- Rogue Legacy
- Raft
- Super Mario 64
- Meritous
- Super Metroid/Link to the Past combo randomizer (SMZ3)
- ChecksFinder
- ArchipIDLE
- Hollow Knight
- The Witness
- Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
- Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty
For setup and instructions check out our tutorials page. Downloads can be found at Releases, including compiled windows binaries.
Archipelago is built upon a strong legacy of brilliant hobbyists. We want to honor that legacy by showing it here. The repositories which Archipelago is built upon, inspired by, or otherwise owes its gratitude to are:
- bonta0's MultiWorld
- AmazingAmpharos' Entrance Randomizer
- VT Web Randomizer
- Dessyreqt's alttprandomizer
- Zarby89's and sosuke3's contributions to Enemizer, which make the vast majority of Enemizer contributions.
We recognize that there is a strong community of incredibly smart people that have come before us and helped pave the path. Just because one person's name may be in a repository title does not mean that only one person made that project happen. We can't hope to perfectly cover every single contribution that lead up to Archipelago but we hope to honor them fairly.
Path to the Archipelago
Archipelago was directly forked from bonta0's multiworld_31
branch of ALttPEntranceRandomizer (this project has a long legacy of its own, please check it out linked above) on January 12, 2020. The repository was then named to MultiWorld-Utilities to better encompass its intended function. As Archipelago matured, then known as "Berserker's MultiWorld" by some, we found it necessary to transform our repository into a root level repository (as opposed to a 'forked repo') and change the name (which came later) to better reflect our project.
Running Archipelago
For most people all you need to do is head over to the releases page then download and run the appropriate installer. The installers function on Windows only.
If you are running Archipelago from a non-Windows system then the likely scenario is that you are comfortable running source code directly. Please see our wiki page on running Archipelago from source.
Related Repositories
This project makes use of multiple other projects. We wouldn't be here without these other repositories and the contributions of their developers, past and present.
Contributions are welcome. We have a few asks of any new contributors.
- Ensure that all changes which affect logic are covered by unit tests.
- Do not introduce any unit test failures/regressions.
Otherwise, we tend to judge code on a case to case basis. It is a generally good idea to stick to PEP-8 guidelines to ensure consistency with existing code. (And to make the linter happy.)
For adding a new game to Archipelago please see the docs folder for the relevant information and feel free to ask any questions in the #archipelago-dev channel in our discord.
Code of Conduct
We conduct ourselves openly and inclusively here. Please do not contribute to an environment which makes other people uncomfortable. This means that we expect all contributors or participants here to:
- Be welcoming and inclusive in tone and language.
- Be respectful of others and their abilities.
- Show empathy when speaking with others.
- Be gracious and accept feedback and constructive criticism.
These guidelines apply to all channels of communication within this GitHub repository. Please be respectful in both public channels, such as issues, and private, such as private messaging or emails.
Any incidents of abuse may be reported directly to Ijwu at hmfarran@gmail.com.