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DOOM 1993
Where is the settings page?
The player settings page contains the options needed to configure your game session.
What does randomization do to this game?
Guns, keycards, and level unlocks have been randomized. Typically, you will end up playing different levels out of order to find your keycards and level unlocks and eventually complete your game.
Maps can be selected on a level select screen. You can exit a level at any time by visiting the hub station at the beginning of each level. The state of each level is saved and restored upon re-entering the level.
What is the goal?
The goal is to complete every level in the episodes you have chosen to play.
What is a "check" in The DOOM 1993?
Guns, keycards, and powerups have been replaced with Archipelago checks. The switch at the end of each level is also a check.
What "items" can you unlock in DOOM 1993?
Keycards and level unlocks are your main progression items. Gun unlocks and some upgrades are your useful items. Temporary powerups, ammo, healing, and armor are filler items.