
466 lines
23 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from collections import OrderedDict
import copy
from itertools import zip_longest
import json
import logging
2019-05-29 23:10:16 +00:00
import os
import random
import time
import zlib
2018-09-23 02:51:54 +00:00
from BaseClasses import World, CollectionState, Item, Region, Location, Shop
2020-01-06 18:13:42 +00:00
from Items import ItemFactory
from Regions import create_regions, create_shops, mark_light_world_regions
from InvertedRegions import create_inverted_regions, mark_dark_world_regions
from EntranceShuffle import link_entrances, link_inverted_entrances
from Rom import patch_rom, patch_race_rom, patch_enemizer, apply_rom_settings, LocalRom, JsonRom, get_hash_string
from Rules import set_rules
from Dungeons import create_dungeons, fill_dungeons, fill_dungeons_restrictive
from Fill import distribute_items_cutoff, distribute_items_staleness, distribute_items_restrictive, flood_items, balance_multiworld_progression
from ItemList import generate_itempool, difficulties, fill_prizes
from Utils import output_path, parse_player_names
2019-08-24 19:38:22 +00:00
__version__ = '0.6.3-pre'
2019-04-29 21:11:23 +00:00
def main(args, seed=None):
if args.outputpath:
os.makedirs(args.outputpath, exist_ok=True)
output_path.cached_path = args.outputpath
start = time.process_time()
# initialize the world
world = World(args.multi, args.shuffle, args.logic, args.mode, args.swords, args.difficulty, args.item_functionality, args.timer,, args.goal, args.algorithm, args.accessibility, args.shuffleganon, args.retro, args.custom, args.customitemarray, args.hints)
logger = logging.getLogger('')
if seed is None:
world.seed = random.randint(0, 999999999)
world.seed = int(seed)
world.mapshuffle = args.mapshuffle.copy()
world.compassshuffle = args.compassshuffle.copy()
world.keyshuffle = args.keyshuffle.copy()
world.bigkeyshuffle = args.bigkeyshuffle.copy()
world.crystals_needed_for_ganon = {player: random.randint(0, 7) if args.crystals_ganon[player] == 'random' else int(args.crystals_ganon[player]) for player in range(1, world.players + 1)}
world.crystals_needed_for_gt = {player: random.randint(0, 7) if args.crystals_gt[player] == 'random' else int(args.crystals_gt[player]) for player in range(1, world.players + 1)}
world.open_pyramid = args.openpyramid.copy()
world.boss_shuffle = args.shufflebosses.copy()
world.enemy_shuffle = args.shuffleenemies.copy()
world.enemy_health = args.enemy_health.copy()
world.enemy_damage = args.enemy_damage.copy()
2019-12-30 02:03:53 +00:00
world.beemizer = args.beemizer.copy()
world.rom_seeds = {player: random.randint(0, 999999999) for player in range(1, world.players + 1)}'ALttP Entrance Randomizer Version %s - Seed: %s\n', __version__, world.seed)
parsed_names = parse_player_names(args.names, world.players, args.teams)
world.teams = len(parsed_names)
for i, team in enumerate(parsed_names, 1):
if world.players > 1:'%s%s', 'Team%d: ' % i if world.teams > 1 else 'Players: ', ', '.join(team))
for player, name in enumerate(team, 1):
2019-12-16 15:54:46 +00:00
for player in range(1, world.players + 1):
world.difficulty_requirements[player] = difficulties[world.difficulty[player]]
if world.mode[player] == 'standard' and world.enemy_shuffle[player] != 'none':
2019-12-27 18:09:58 +00:00
world.escape_assist[player].append('bombs') # enemized escape assumes infinite bombs available and will likely be unbeatable without it
2019-12-16 15:54:46 +00:00
2020-01-06 18:13:42 +00:00
for tok in filter(None, args.startinventory[player].split(',')):
item = ItemFactory(tok.strip(), player)
if item:
2019-12-16 15:54:46 +00:00
if world.mode[player] != 'inverted':
create_regions(world, player)
2019-12-16 15:54:46 +00:00
create_inverted_regions(world, player)
create_shops(world, player)
2019-12-16 15:54:46 +00:00
create_dungeons(world, player)'Shuffling the World about.')
2019-12-16 15:54:46 +00:00
for player in range(1, world.players + 1):
if world.mode[player] != 'inverted':
link_entrances(world, player)
2019-12-16 15:54:46 +00:00
mark_light_world_regions(world, player)
link_inverted_entrances(world, player)
2019-12-16 15:54:46 +00:00
mark_dark_world_regions(world, player)'Generating Item Pool.')
for player in range(1, world.players + 1):
generate_itempool(world, player)'Calculating Access Rules.')
for player in range(1, world.players + 1):
set_rules(world, player)'Placing Dungeon Prizes.')
2017-08-05 15:52:18 +00:00
2017-08-05 15:52:18 +00:00'Placing Dungeon Items.')
shuffled_locations = None
if args.algorithm in ['balanced', 'vt26'] or any(list(args.mapshuffle.values()) + list(args.compassshuffle.values()) +
list(args.keyshuffle.values()) + list(args.bigkeyshuffle.values())):
shuffled_locations = world.get_unfilled_locations()
fill_dungeons_restrictive(world, shuffled_locations)
fill_dungeons(world)'Fill the world.')
if args.algorithm == 'flood':
flood_items(world) # different algo, biased towards early game progress items
elif args.algorithm == 'vt21':
distribute_items_cutoff(world, 1)
elif args.algorithm == 'vt22':
distribute_items_cutoff(world, 0.66)
elif args.algorithm == 'freshness':
elif args.algorithm == 'vt25':
2019-12-16 14:27:20 +00:00
distribute_items_restrictive(world, False)
elif args.algorithm == 'vt26':
2018-03-02 02:36:30 +00:00
2019-12-16 14:27:20 +00:00
distribute_items_restrictive(world, True, shuffled_locations)
elif args.algorithm == 'balanced':
2019-12-16 14:27:20 +00:00
distribute_items_restrictive(world, True)
if world.players > 1:'Balancing multiworld progression.')
balance_multiworld_progression(world)'Patching ROM.')
outfilebase = 'ER_%s' % (args.outputname if args.outputname else world.seed)
rom_names = []
jsonout = {}
if not args.suppress_rom:
for team in range(world.teams):
for player in range(1, world.players + 1):
sprite_random_on_hit = type(args.sprite[player]) is str and args.sprite[player].lower() == 'randomonhit'
use_enemizer = (world.boss_shuffle[player] != 'none' or world.enemy_shuffle[player] != 'none'
or world.enemy_health[player] != 'default' or world.enemy_damage[player] != 'default'
or args.shufflepots[player] or sprite_random_on_hit)
rom = JsonRom() if args.jsonout or use_enemizer else LocalRom(args.rom)
patch_rom(world, rom, player, team, use_enemizer)
if use_enemizer and (args.enemizercli or not args.jsonout):
patch_enemizer(world, player, rom, args.rom, args.enemizercli, args.shufflepots[player], sprite_random_on_hit)
if not args.jsonout:
2020-01-14 21:13:37 +00:00
rom = LocalRom.fromJsonRom(rom, args.rom, 0x400000)
if args.race:
rom_names.append((player, team, list(
world.spoiler.hashes[(player, team)] = get_hash_string(rom.hash)
apply_rom_settings(rom, args.heartbeep[player], args.heartcolor[player], args.quickswap[player], args.fastmenu[player], args.disablemusic[player], args.sprite[player], args.ow_palettes[player], args.uw_palettes[player])
if args.jsonout:
jsonout[f'patch_t{team}_p{player}'] = rom.patches
mcsb_name = ''
if all([world.mapshuffle[player], world.compassshuffle[player], world.keyshuffle[player], world.bigkeyshuffle[player]]):
mcsb_name = '-keysanity'
elif [world.mapshuffle[player], world.compassshuffle[player], world.keyshuffle[player], world.bigkeyshuffle[player]].count(True) == 1:
mcsb_name = '-mapshuffle' if world.mapshuffle[player] else '-compassshuffle' if world.compassshuffle[player] else '-keyshuffle' if world.keyshuffle[player] else '-bigkeyshuffle'
elif any([world.mapshuffle[player], world.compassshuffle[player], world.keyshuffle[player], world.bigkeyshuffle[player]]):
mcsb_name = '-%s%s%s%sshuffle' % (
'M' if world.mapshuffle[player] else '', 'C' if world.compassshuffle[player] else '',
'S' if world.keyshuffle[player] else '', 'B' if world.bigkeyshuffle[player] else '')
outfilepname = f'_T{team+1}' if world.teams > 1 else ''
if world.players > 1:
outfilepname += f'_P{player}'
outfilepname += f"_{world.player_names[player][team].replace(' ', '_')}" if world.player_names[player][team] != 'Player %d' % player else ''
outfilesuffix = ('_%s_%s-%s-%s-%s%s_%s-%s%s%s%s%s' % (world.logic[player], world.difficulty[player], world.difficulty_adjustments[player],
world.mode[player], world.goal[player],
"" if world.timer in ['none', 'display'] else "-" + world.timer,
world.shuffle[player], world.algorithm, mcsb_name,
"-retro" if world.retro[player] else "",
"-prog_" + if in ['off', 'random'] else "",
"-nohints" if not world.hints[player] else "")) if not args.outputname else ''
multidata = zlib.compress(json.dumps((parsed_names, rom_names,
[((location.address, location.player), (location.item.code, location.item.player)) for location in world.get_filled_locations() if type(location.address) is int])
if args.jsonout:
jsonout["multidata"] = list(multidata)
with open(output_path('%s_multidata' % outfilebase), 'wb') as f:
if args.create_spoiler and not args.jsonout:
world.spoiler.to_file(output_path('%s_Spoiler.txt' % outfilebase))
if not args.skip_playthrough:'Calculating playthrough.')
if args.jsonout:
print(json.dumps({**jsonout, 'spoiler': world.spoiler.to_json()}))
elif args.create_spoiler and not args.skip_playthrough:
world.spoiler.to_file(output_path('%s_Spoiler.txt' % outfilebase))'Done. Enjoy.')
logger.debug('Total Time: %s', time.process_time() - start)
return world
def copy_world(world):
# ToDo: Not good yet
ret = World(world.players, world.shuffle, world.logic, world.mode, world.swords, world.difficulty, world.difficulty_adjustments, world.timer,, world.goal, world.algorithm, world.accessibility, world.shuffle_ganon, world.retro, world.custom, world.customitemarray, world.hints)
ret.teams = world.teams
ret.player_names = copy.deepcopy(world.player_names)
ret.required_medallions = world.required_medallions.copy()
ret.swamp_patch_required = world.swamp_patch_required.copy()
ret.ganon_at_pyramid = world.ganon_at_pyramid.copy()
ret.powder_patch_required = world.powder_patch_required.copy()
ret.ganonstower_vanilla = world.ganonstower_vanilla.copy()
ret.treasure_hunt_count = world.treasure_hunt_count.copy()
ret.treasure_hunt_icon = world.treasure_hunt_icon.copy()
2019-12-16 15:54:46 +00:00
ret.sewer_light_cone = world.sewer_light_cone.copy()
ret.light_world_light_cone = world.light_world_light_cone
ret.dark_world_light_cone = world.dark_world_light_cone
ret.seed = world.seed
ret.can_access_trock_eyebridge = world.can_access_trock_eyebridge.copy()
ret.can_access_trock_front = world.can_access_trock_front.copy()
ret.can_access_trock_big_chest = world.can_access_trock_big_chest.copy()
ret.can_access_trock_middle = world.can_access_trock_middle.copy()
2018-01-02 05:39:53 +00:00
ret.can_take_damage = world.can_take_damage
ret.difficulty_requirements = world.difficulty_requirements.copy()
ret.fix_fake_world = world.fix_fake_world.copy()
ret.lamps_needed_for_dark_rooms = world.lamps_needed_for_dark_rooms
ret.mapshuffle = world.mapshuffle.copy()
ret.compassshuffle = world.compassshuffle.copy()
ret.keyshuffle = world.keyshuffle.copy()
ret.bigkeyshuffle = world.bigkeyshuffle.copy()
ret.crystals_needed_for_ganon = world.crystals_needed_for_ganon.copy()
ret.crystals_needed_for_gt = world.crystals_needed_for_gt.copy()
ret.open_pyramid = world.open_pyramid.copy()
ret.boss_shuffle = world.boss_shuffle.copy()
ret.enemy_shuffle = world.enemy_shuffle.copy()
ret.enemy_health = world.enemy_health.copy()
ret.enemy_damage = world.enemy_damage.copy()
2019-12-30 02:03:53 +00:00
ret.beemizer = world.beemizer.copy()
2019-12-16 15:54:46 +00:00
for player in range(1, world.players + 1):
if world.mode[player] != 'inverted':
create_regions(ret, player)
2019-12-16 15:54:46 +00:00
create_inverted_regions(ret, player)
create_shops(ret, player)
2019-12-16 15:54:46 +00:00
create_dungeons(ret, player)
2018-03-23 03:18:40 +00:00
copy_dynamic_regions_and_locations(world, ret)
# copy bosses
for dungeon in world.dungeons:
for level, boss in dungeon.bosses.items():
ret.get_dungeon(, dungeon.player).bosses[level] = boss
for shop in world.shops:
copied_shop = ret.get_region(, shop.region.player).shop
copied_shop.inventory = copy.copy(shop.inventory)
# connect copied world
for region in world.regions:
copied_region = ret.get_region(, region.player)
2017-12-13 14:51:53 +00:00
copied_region.is_light_world = region.is_light_world
2018-01-27 22:17:03 +00:00
copied_region.is_dark_world = region.is_dark_world
for entrance in region.entrances:
ret.get_entrance(, entrance.player).connect(copied_region)
# fill locations
for location in world.get_locations():
if location.item is not None:
item = Item(, location.item.advancement, location.item.priority, location.item.type, player = location.item.player)
ret.get_location(, location.player).item = item
item.location = ret.get_location(, location.player) = ret
if location.event:
ret.get_location(, location.player).event = True
if location.locked:
ret.get_location(, location.player).locked = True
# copy remaining itempool. No item in itempool should have an assigned location
for item in world.itempool:
ret.itempool.append(Item(, item.advancement, item.priority, item.type, player = item.player))
for item in world.precollected_items:
ret.push_precollected(ItemFactory(, item.player))
# copy progress items in state
ret.state.prog_items = world.state.prog_items.copy()
2019-07-11 04:18:30 +00:00
ret.state.stale = {player: True for player in range(1, world.players + 1)}
for player in range(1, world.players + 1):
set_rules(ret, player)
return ret
2018-03-23 03:18:40 +00:00
def copy_dynamic_regions_and_locations(world, ret):
for region in world.dynamic_regions:
new_reg = Region(, region.type, region.hint_text, region.player)
2018-03-23 03:18:40 +00:00
2018-03-23 03:18:40 +00:00
# Note: ideally exits should be copied here, but the current use case (Take anys) do not require this
if = Shop(new_reg,,,,,
2018-03-23 03:18:40 +00:00
for location in world.dynamic_locations:
new_reg = ret.get_region(, location.parent_region.player)
2019-08-17 19:11:25 +00:00
new_loc = Location(location.player,, location.address, location.crystal, location.hint_text, new_reg)
2019-08-29 01:12:44 +00:00
# todo: this is potentially dangerous. later refactor so we
# can apply dynamic region rules on top of copied world like other rules
new_loc.access_rule = location.access_rule
new_loc.always_allow = location.always_allow
new_loc.item_rule = location.item_rule
2018-03-23 03:18:40 +00:00
2019-08-17 19:11:25 +00:00
2018-03-23 03:18:40 +00:00
def create_playthrough(world):
# create a copy as we will modify it
old_world = world
world = copy_world(world)
# if we only check for beatable, we can do this sanity check first before writing down spheres
2019-12-17 11:14:29 +00:00
if not world.can_beat_game():
raise RuntimeError('Cannot beat game. Something went terribly wrong here!')
# get locations containing progress items
prog_locations = [location for location in world.get_filled_locations() if location.item.advancement]
state_cache = [None]
collection_spheres = []
state = CollectionState(world)
sphere_candidates = list(prog_locations)
2017-05-26 07:55:24 +00:00
logging.getLogger('').debug('Building up collection spheres.')
while sphere_candidates:
sphere = []
# build up spheres of collection radius. Everything in each sphere is independent from each other in dependencies and only depends on lower spheres
for location in sphere_candidates:
if state.can_reach(location):
for location in sphere:
state.collect(location.item, True, location)
2017-05-26 07:55:24 +00:00
logging.getLogger('').debug('Calculated sphere %i, containing %i of %i progress items.', len(collection_spheres), len(sphere), len(prog_locations))
2017-05-26 07:55:24 +00:00
if not sphere:
logging.getLogger('').debug('The following items could not be reached: %s', ['%s (Player %d) at %s (Player %d)' % (, location.item.player,, location.player) for location in sphere_candidates])
2019-12-17 11:14:29 +00:00
if any([world.accessibility[location.item.player] != 'none' for location in sphere_candidates]):
raise RuntimeError('Not all progression items reachable. Something went terribly wrong here.')
old_world.spoiler.unreachables = sphere_candidates.copy()
2017-05-26 07:55:24 +00:00
# in the second phase, we cull each sphere such that the game is still beatable, reducing each range of influence to the bare minimum required inside it
for num, sphere in reversed(list(enumerate(collection_spheres))):
to_delete = []
for location in sphere:
# we remove the item at location and check if game is still beatable
logging.getLogger('').debug('Checking if %s (Player %d) is required to beat the game.',, location.item.player)
old_item = location.item
location.item = None
if world.can_beat_game(state_cache[num]):
# still required, got to keep it around
location.item = old_item
# cull entries in spheres for spoiler walkthrough at end
for location in to_delete:
# second phase, sphere 0
for item in [i for i in world.precollected_items if i.advancement]:
logging.getLogger('').debug('Checking if %s (Player %d) is required to beat the game.',, item.player)
if not world.can_beat_game():
# we are now down to just the required progress items in collection_spheres. Unfortunately
# the previous pruning stage could potentially have made certain items dependant on others
# in the same or later sphere (because the location had 2 ways to access but the item originally
# used to access it was deemed not required.) So we need to do one final sphere collection pass
# to build up the correct spheres
required_locations = [item for sphere in collection_spheres for item in sphere]
state = CollectionState(world)
collection_spheres = []
while required_locations:
sphere = list(filter(state.can_reach, required_locations))
for location in sphere:
state.collect(location.item, True, location)
logging.getLogger('').debug('Calculated final sphere %i, containing %i of %i progress items.', len(collection_spheres), len(sphere), len(required_locations))
if not sphere:
raise RuntimeError('Not all required items reachable. Something went terribly wrong here.')
# store the required locations for statistical analysis
old_world.required_locations = [(, location.player) for sphere in collection_spheres for location in sphere]
def flist_to_iter(node):
while node:
value, node = node
yield value
def get_path(state, region):
reversed_path_as_flist = state.path.get(region, (region, None))
string_path_flat = reversed(list(map(str, flist_to_iter(reversed_path_as_flist))))
# Now we combine the flat string list into (region, exit) pairs
pathsiter = iter(string_path_flat)
pathpairs = zip_longest(pathsiter, pathsiter)
return list(pathpairs)
old_world.spoiler.paths = dict()
for player in range(1, world.players + 1):
old_world.spoiler.paths.update({ str(location) : get_path(state, location.parent_region) for sphere in collection_spheres for location in sphere if location.player == player})
for _, path in dict(old_world.spoiler.paths).items():
if any(exit == 'Pyramid Fairy' for (_, exit) in path):
2019-12-16 15:54:46 +00:00
if world.mode[player] != 'inverted':
old_world.spoiler.paths[str(world.get_region('Big Bomb Shop', player))] = get_path(state, world.get_region('Big Bomb Shop', player))
old_world.spoiler.paths[str(world.get_region('Inverted Big Bomb Shop', player))] = get_path(state, world.get_region('Inverted Big Bomb Shop', player))
# we can finally output our playthrough
old_world.spoiler.playthrough = OrderedDict([("0", [str(item) for item in world.precollected_items if item.advancement])])
for i, sphere in enumerate(collection_spheres):
old_world.spoiler.playthrough[str(i + 1)] = {str(location): str(location.item) for location in sphere}