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import os.path
import typing
import logging
from Options import Choice, Option, Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, Range, FreeText
from collections import defaultdict
2023-03-31 12:05:51 +00:00
import Utils
DefaultOffToggle = Toggle
logger = logging.getLogger("Link's Awakening Logger")
class LADXROption:
def to_ladxr_option(self, all_options):
if not self.ladxr_name:
return None, None
return (self.ladxr_name, self.name_lookup[self.value].replace("_", ""))
class Logic(Choice, LADXROption):
Affects where items are allowed to be placed.
[Normal] Playable without using any tricks or glitches. Can require knowledge from a vanilla playthrough, such as how to open Color Dungeon.
[Hard] More advanced techniques may be required, but glitches are not. Examples include tricky jumps, killing enemies with only pots.
[Glitched] Advanced glitches and techniques may be required, but extremely difficult or tedious tricks are not required. Examples include Bomb Triggers, Super Jumps and Jesus Jumps.
[Hell] Obscure knowledge and hard techniques may be required. Examples include featherless jumping with boots and/or hookshot, sequential pit buffers and unclipped superjumps. Things in here can be extremely hard to do or very time consuming."""
display_name = "Logic"
ladxr_name = "logic"
# option_casual = 0
option_normal = 1
option_hard = 2
option_glitched = 3
option_hell = 4
default = option_normal
class TradeQuest(DefaultOffToggle, LADXROption):
[On] adds the trade items to the pool (the trade locations will always be local items)
[Off] (default) doesn't add them
display_name = "Trade Quest"
ladxr_name = "tradequest"
2023-11-22 14:29:33 +00:00
class TextShuffle(DefaultOffToggle):
[On] Shuffles all the text in the game
[Off] (default) doesn't shuffle them.
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class Rooster(DefaultOnToggle, LADXROption):
[On] Adds the rooster to the item pool.
[Off] The rooster spot is still a check giving an item. But you will never find the rooster. Any rooster spot is accessible without rooster by other means.
display_name = "Rooster"
2023-07-29 17:17:50 +00:00
ladxr_name = "rooster"
class Boomerang(Choice):
[Normal] requires Magnifying Lens to get the boomerang.
[Gift] The boomerang salesman will give you a random item, and the boomerang is shuffled.
normal = 0
gift = 1
default = gift
class EntranceShuffle(Choice, LADXROption):
[WARNING] Experimental, may fail to fill
Randomizes where overworld entrances lead to.
[Simple] Single-entrance caves/houses that have items are shuffled amongst each other.
If random start location and/or dungeon shuffle is enabled, then these will be shuffled with all the non-connector entrance pool.
Note, some entrances can lead into water, use the warp-to-home from the save&quit menu to escape this."""
#[Advanced] Simple, but two-way connector caves are shuffled in their own pool as well.
#[Expert] Advanced, but caves/houses without items are also shuffled into the Simple entrance pool.
#[Insanity] Expert, but the Raft Minigame hut and Mamu's cave are added to the non-connector pool.
option_none = 0
option_simple = 1
#option_advanced = 2
#option_expert = 3
#option_insanity = 4
default = option_none
display_name = "Experimental Entrance Shuffle"
ladxr_name = "entranceshuffle"
class DungeonShuffle(DefaultOffToggle, LADXROption):
[WARNING] Experimental, may fail to fill
Randomizes dungeon entrances within eachother
display_name = "Experimental Dungeon Shuffle"
ladxr_name = "dungeonshuffle"
2023-04-11 07:18:33 +00:00
class APTitleScreen(DefaultOnToggle):
Enables AP specific title screen and disables the intro cutscene
display_name = "AP Title Screen"
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class BossShuffle(Choice):
none = 0
shuffle = 1
random = 2
default = none
class DungeonItemShuffle(Choice):
option_original_dungeon = 0
option_own_dungeons = 1
option_own_world = 2
option_any_world = 3
option_different_world = 4
#option_delete = 5
#option_start_with = 6
alias_true = 3
alias_false = 0
class ShuffleNightmareKeys(DungeonItemShuffle):
Shuffle Nightmare Keys
[Original Dungeon] The item will be within its original dungeon
[Own Dungeons] The item will be within a dungeon in your world
[Own World] The item will be somewhere in your world
[Any World] The item could be anywhere
[Different World] The item will be somewhere in another world
display_name = "Shuffle Nightmare Keys"
ladxr_item = "NIGHTMARE_KEY"
class ShuffleSmallKeys(DungeonItemShuffle):
Shuffle Small Keys
[Original Dungeon] The item will be within its original dungeon
[Own Dungeons] The item will be within a dungeon in your world
[Own World] The item will be somewhere in your world
[Any World] The item could be anywhere
[Different World] The item will be somewhere in another world
display_name = "Shuffle Small Keys"
ladxr_item = "KEY"
class ShuffleMaps(DungeonItemShuffle):
Shuffle Dungeon Maps
[Original Dungeon] The item will be within its original dungeon
[Own Dungeons] The item will be within a dungeon in your world
[Own World] The item will be somewhere in your world
[Any World] The item could be anywhere
[Different World] The item will be somewhere in another world
display_name = "Shuffle Maps"
ladxr_item = "MAP"
class ShuffleCompasses(DungeonItemShuffle):
Shuffle Dungeon Compasses
[Original Dungeon] The item will be within its original dungeon
[Own Dungeons] The item will be within a dungeon in your world
[Own World] The item will be somewhere in your world
[Any World] The item could be anywhere
[Different World] The item will be somewhere in another world
display_name = "Shuffle Compasses"
ladxr_item = "COMPASS"
class ShuffleStoneBeaks(DungeonItemShuffle):
Shuffle Owl Beaks
[Original Dungeon] The item will be within its original dungeon
[Own Dungeons] The item will be within a dungeon in your world
[Own World] The item will be somewhere in your world
[Any World] The item could be anywhere
[Different World] The item will be somewhere in another world
display_name = "Shuffle Stone Beaks"
ladxr_item = "STONE_BEAK"
class Goal(Choice, LADXROption):
The Goal of the game
[Instruments] The Wind Fish's Egg will only open if you have the required number of Instruments of the Sirens, and play the Ballad of the Wind Fish.
[Seashells] The Egg will open when you bring 20 seashells. The Ballad and Ocarina are not needed.
[Open] The Egg will start pre-opened.
display_name = "Goal"
ladxr_name = "goal"
option_instruments = 1
option_seashells = 2
option_open = 3
default = option_instruments
def to_ladxr_option(self, all_options):
if self.value == self.option_instruments:
return ("goal", all_options["instrument_count"])
return LADXROption.to_ladxr_option(self, all_options)
class InstrumentCount(Range, LADXROption):
Sets the number of instruments required to open the Egg
display_name = "Instrument Count"
ladxr_name = None
range_start = 0
range_end = 8
default = 8
class NagMessages(DefaultOffToggle, LADXROption):
Controls if nag messages are shown when rocks and crystals are touched. Useful for glitches, annoying for everyone else.
display_name = "Nag Messages"
ladxr_name = "nagmessages"
class MusicChangeCondition(Choice):
Controls how the music changes.
[Sword] When you pick up a sword, the music changes
[Always] You always have the post-sword music
display_name = "Music Change Condition"
option_sword = 0
option_always = 1
default = option_always
# Setting('hpmode', 'Gameplay', 'm', 'Health mode', options=[('default', '', 'Normal'), ('inverted', 'i', 'Inverted'), ('1', '1', 'Start with 1 heart'), ('low', 'l', 'Low max')], default='default',
# description="""
# [Normal} health works as you would expect.
# [Inverted] you start with 9 heart containers, but killing a boss will take a heartcontainer instead of giving one.
# [Start with 1] normal game, you just start with 1 heart instead of 3.
# [Low max] replace heart containers with heart pieces."""),
# Setting('hardmode', 'Gameplay', 'X', 'Hard mode', options=[('none', '', 'Disabled'), ('oracle', 'O', 'Oracle'), ('hero', 'H', 'Hero'), ('ohko', '1', 'One hit KO')], default='none',
# description="""
# [Oracle] Less iframes and heath from drops. Bombs damage yourself. Water damages you without flippers. No piece of power or acorn.
# [Hero] Switch version hero mode, double damage, no heart/fairy drops.
# [One hit KO] You die on a single hit, always."""),
# Setting('steal', 'Gameplay', 't', 'Stealing from the shop',
# options=[('always', 'a', 'Always'), ('never', 'n', 'Never'), ('default', '', 'Normal')], default='default',
# description="""Effects when you can steal from the shop. Stealing is bad and never in logic.
# [Normal] requires the sword before you can steal.
# [Always] you can always steal from the shop
# [Never] you can never steal from the shop."""),
class Bowwow(Choice):
"""Allows BowWow to be taken into any area. Certain enemies and bosses are given a new weakness to BowWow.
[Normal] BowWow is in the item pool, but can be logically expected as a damage source.
[Swordless] The progressive swords are removed from the item pool.
normal = 0
swordless = 1
default = normal
class Overworld(Choice, LADXROption):
[Dungeon Dive] Create a different overworld where all the dungeons are directly accessible and almost no chests are located in the overworld.
[Tiny dungeons] All dungeons only consist of a boss fight and a instrument reward. Rest of the dungeon is removed.
display_name = "Overworld"
ladxr_name = "overworld"
option_normal = 0
option_dungeon_dive = 1
option_tiny_dungeons = 2
# option_shuffled = 3
default = option_normal
#Setting('superweapons', 'Special', 'q', 'Enable super weapons', default=False,
# description='All items will be more powerful, faster, harder, bigger stronger. You name it.'),
#Setting('quickswap', 'User options', 'Q', 'Quickswap', options=[('none', '', 'Disabled'), ('a', 'a', 'Swap A button'), ('b', 'b', 'Swap B button')], default='none',
# description='Adds that the select button swaps with either A or B. The item is swapped with the top inventory slot. The map is not available when quickswap is enabled.',
# aesthetic=True),
# Setting('textmode', 'User options', 'f', 'Text mode', options=[('fast', '', 'Fast'), ('default', 'd', 'Normal'), ('none', 'n', 'No-text')], default='fast',
# description="""[Fast] makes text appear twice as fast.
# [No-Text] removes all text from the game""", aesthetic=True),
# Setting('lowhpbeep', 'User options', 'p', 'Low HP beeps', options=[('none', 'D', 'Disabled'), ('slow', 'S', 'Slow'), ('default', 'N', 'Normal')], default='slow',
# description='Slows or disables the low health beeping sound', aesthetic=True),
# Setting('noflash', 'User options', 'l', 'Remove flashing lights', default=True,
# description='Remove the flashing light effects from Mamu, shopkeeper and MadBatter. Useful for capture cards and people that are sensitive for these things.',
# aesthetic=True),
# Setting('nagmessages', 'User options', 'S', 'Show nag messages', default=False,
# description='Enables the nag messages normally shown when touching stones and crystals',
# aesthetic=True),
# Setting('gfxmod', 'User options', 'c', 'Graphics', options=gfx_options, default='',
# description='Generally affects at least Link\'s sprite, but can alter any graphics in the game',
# aesthetic=True),
# Setting('linkspalette', 'User options', 'C', "Link's color",
# options=[('-1', '-', 'Normal'), ('0', '0', 'Green'), ('1', '1', 'Yellow'), ('2', '2', 'Red'), ('3', '3', 'Blue'),
# ('4', '4', '?? A'), ('5', '5', '?? B'), ('6', '6', '?? C'), ('7', '7', '?? D')], default='-1', aesthetic=True,
# description="""Allows you to force a certain color on link.
# [Normal] color of link depends on the tunic.
# [Green/Yellow/Red/Blue] forces link into one of these colors.
# [?? A/B/C/D] colors of link are usually inverted and color depends on the area you are in."""),
# Setting('music', 'User options', 'M', 'Music', options=[('', '', 'Default'), ('random', 'r', 'Random'), ('off', 'o', 'Disable')], default='',
# description="""
# [Random] Randomizes overworld and dungeon music'
# [Disable] no music in the whole game""",
# aesthetic=True),
class LinkPalette(Choice, LADXROption):
Sets link's palette
A-D are color palettes usually used during the damage animation and can change based on where you are.
display_name = "Link's Palette"
ladxr_name = "linkspalette"
option_normal = -1
option_green = 0
option_yellow = 1
option_red = 2
option_blue = 3
option_invert_a = 4
option_invert_b = 5
option_invert_c = 6
option_invert_d = 7
default = option_normal
def to_ladxr_option(self, all_options):
return self.ladxr_name, str(self.value)
class TrendyGame(Choice):
[Easy] All of the items hold still for you
[Normal] The vanilla behavior
[Hard] The trade item also moves
[Harder] The items move faster
[Hardest] The items move diagonally
[Impossible] The items move impossibly fast, may scroll on and off the screen
display_name = "Trendy Game"
option_easy = 0
option_normal = 1
option_hard = 2
option_harder = 3
option_hardest = 4
option_impossible = 5
default = option_normal
class GfxMod(FreeText, LADXROption):
Sets the sprite for link, among other things
The option should be the same name as a with sprite (and optional name) file in data/sprites/ladx
display_name = "GFX Modification"
ladxr_name = "gfxmod"
normal = ''
default = 'Link'
__spriteDir: str = Utils.local_path(os.path.join('data', 'sprites','ladx'))
__spriteFiles: typing.DefaultDict[str, typing.List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
extensions = [".bin", ".bdiff", ".png", ".bmp"]
for file in os.listdir(__spriteDir):
name, extension = os.path.splitext(file)
if extension in extensions:
def __init__(self, value: str):
def verify(self, world, player_name: str, plando_options) -> None:
if self.value == "Link" or self.value in GfxMod.__spriteFiles:
raise Exception(f"LADX Sprite '{self.value}' not found. Possible sprites are: {['Link'] + list(GfxMod.__spriteFiles.keys())}")
def to_ladxr_option(self, all_options):
if self.value == -1 or self.value == "Link":
return None, None
assert self.value in GfxMod.__spriteFiles
if len(GfxMod.__spriteFiles[self.value]) > 1:
logger.warning(f"{self.value} does not uniquely identify a file. Possible matches: {GfxMod.__spriteFiles[self.value]}. Using {GfxMod.__spriteFiles[self.value][0]}")
2023-03-31 12:05:51 +00:00
return self.ladxr_name, self.__spriteDir + "/" + GfxMod.__spriteFiles[self.value][0]
class Palette(Choice):
Sets the palette for the game.
Note: A few places aren't patched, such as the menu and a few color dungeon tiles.
[Normal] The vanilla palette
[1-Bit] One bit of color per channel
[2-Bit] Two bits of color per channel
[Greyscale] Shades of grey
[Pink] Aesthetic
[Inverted] Inverted
display_name = "Palette"
option_normal = 0
option_1bit = 1
option_2bit = 2
option_greyscale = 3
option_pink = 4
option_inverted = 5
class WarpImprovements(DefaultOffToggle):
[On] Adds remake style warp screen to the game. Choose your warp destination on the map after jumping in a portal and press B to select.
[Off] No change
class AdditionalWarpPoints(DefaultOffToggle):
[On] (requires warp improvements) Adds a warp point at Crazy Tracy's house (the Mambo teleport spot) and Eagle's Tower
[Off] No change
links_awakening_options: typing.Dict[str, typing.Type[Option]] = {
'logic': Logic,
# 'heartpiece': DefaultOnToggle, # description='Includes heart pieces in the item pool'),
# 'seashells': DefaultOnToggle, # description='Randomizes the secret sea shells hiding in the ground/trees. (chest are always randomized)'),
# 'heartcontainers': DefaultOnToggle, # description='Includes boss heart container drops in the item pool'),
# 'instruments': DefaultOffToggle, # description='Instruments are placed on random locations, dungeon goal will just contain a random item.'),
'tradequest': TradeQuest, # description='Trade quest items are randomized, each NPC takes its normal trade quest item, but gives a random item'),
# 'witch': DefaultOnToggle, # description='Adds both the toadstool and the reward for giving the toadstool to the witch to the item pool'),
2023-07-29 17:17:50 +00:00
'rooster': Rooster, # description='Adds the rooster to the item pool. Without this option, the rooster spot is still a check giving an item. But you will never find the rooster. Any rooster spot is accessible without rooster by other means.'),
# 'boomerang': Boomerang,
# 'randomstartlocation': DefaultOffToggle, # 'Randomize where your starting house is located'),
'experimental_dungeon_shuffle': DungeonShuffle, # 'Randomizes the dungeon that each dungeon entrance leads to'),
'experimental_entrance_shuffle': EntranceShuffle,
# 'bossshuffle': BossShuffle,
# 'minibossshuffle': BossShuffle,
'goal': Goal,
'instrument_count': InstrumentCount,
# 'itempool': ItemPool,
# 'bowwow': Bowwow,
# 'overworld': Overworld,
'link_palette': LinkPalette,
'warp_improvements': WarpImprovements,
'additional_warp_points': AdditionalWarpPoints,
'trendy_game': TrendyGame,
'gfxmod': GfxMod,
'palette': Palette,
2023-11-22 14:29:33 +00:00
'text_shuffle': TextShuffle,
'shuffle_nightmare_keys': ShuffleNightmareKeys,
'shuffle_small_keys': ShuffleSmallKeys,
'shuffle_maps': ShuffleMaps,
'shuffle_compasses': ShuffleCompasses,
'shuffle_stone_beaks': ShuffleStoneBeaks,
'music_change_condition': MusicChangeCondition,
2023-04-11 07:18:33 +00:00
'nag_messages': NagMessages,
'ap_title_screen': APTitleScreen,
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