* Stop inverted dungeonsfull from generating crossworld dungeon connections.
* Inverted dungeonsfull fix - Force reusing an existing cave if there are not enough entrances to use a new one.
* Enhance mandatory exit logic to ensure they do not block themselves, and also handle boundary conditions that often occur in inverted dungeonsfull
* Split invalid connections into normal and inverted
Add logic for superbunny access to Sahasrahla's closet (with boots)
Add logic for superbunny through Two Brother's House (with boots)
Fix superbunny logic for spiral cave and mini moldorm cave - requires a sword
Add logic for waterwalking into Waterfall Cave
Add clip to Ice Palace entrance (requires boots, pearl and flippers)
Add extra clips to inverted owg logic - PoD and Dark Lake Hylia Ledge are now in logic with just boots
Add clip to flute point 6 into inverted owg logic - some light world locations are now accessible with boots and mitts, but no pearl or mirror.
* Fix Waterfall entrance being inaccessible with the flippers.
Fix Spectacle Rock and Bombos Tablet requiring moon pearl
* Inverted - make the blacksmith, purple chest, bottle merchant and master sword pedestal accessible without the moon pearl.
* Fix moon pearl checks to avoid requiring moon pearl for mirror accessible locations.
* Dark Desert Teleporter requires the mitts
* Fix OWG bunny rules
* Fix another bunny rule bug.
* Separate superbunny cave into 2 regions.
For OWG, allow superbunny in superbunny cave with no mirror when entering from the bottom
Fix boots clip logic to desert teleporter ledge and TR teleporter
Fix mirror wrap logic for pyramid fairy
For insanity shuffle, exiting Superbunny Cave bottom is now in logic.
* Always require pearl for Swamp (Superbunny cannot do anything)
* Allow clipping into the GT entrance
* Add OWG tests from vt_randomizer
* Add some extra vanilla test cases
* Allow superbunny into the Blind's Hideout entrance.
* More moon pearl / superbunny fixes
Use the Catfish region properly, so Catfish Descent works.
* Allow superbunny into tavern
Fix inverted Kings Grave logic
* Inverted OWG tests
* Update unit tests for King's Tomb clip.
* All superbunny to spiral cave item (with sword)
* Bunny revive is not possible in Sanctuary.
* More inverted tests
* Add/fix test cases
* Fix logic for Magic Bat
* Fix merge to multiworld
* Fix Floodgate superbunny rule
* Require bunny revival for all dungeons except for Swamp/TR Main/Hera/Sanctuary, which have extra requirements
* Require a weapon for Castle Tower.
* Test case fixes
* Update test case - superbunny into Kakariko Tavern is in logic
This reformats the Rules.py file to no longer have quite so many totally redundant rules between inverted and non-inverted. In the process, it fixes an insanity only issue wherein the magic bat in inverted was set to always require Pearl (only in insanity can this not be true). Additionally, the inverted super bomb rules are completely reworked to be a lot more accurate (including preventing Desert Palace (East) from having the bomb shop at all in inverted insanity) and an obscure case involving non-inverted insanity super bomb return has a logic fix.
* Update Swordless rom writes
* Remove swordless as possible mode in ItemList.py
* Fix inverted HC Ledge access
Added collection state helper methods for determining lw/dw access
Restricted locations where Link's House can be in inverted
Dark Sanc and Link's House can no longer be at the back of Skull Woods
Fixed minor error in inverted bunny rules
* Update Link's House Shuffling in inverted insanity
* More isolated entrances not to put Link's House at
* Fix Link's House in dungeons shuffles
* More dungeons shuffle stuff I forgot
Merging in Cassidoxa's inverted mode.
I've still not fully reviewed the logic used in this mode, so it should be considered experimental, pending an in depth review by either myself or AA.