* Core: remove sending_visible
Only used by Factorio and that use predates start_location_hints, which works perfectly fine for this purpose.
* Factorio: minor cleanup
* Refactorings + minor logic fix
* Fixed unnececerly recalculation of item_name_groups
* Enabled other itemId's so that they can be send to client when desired
* Marked the loss of location 1337158
* Updated network graph
* First draft tinmespinner documentation
* Moved personal items to slot_data rather than location scouts
* Disabled Remote Items
* Updated docs
* Fixed port override
AutoWorld: Now correctly automatically applies State.remove if collect_item is also correct
LttP: Make keys advancement items
This feels like it improved generation chance. Might not be the case.
Generator: Re-allow names with spaces (and see what breaks)
Generator: Removed teams (Note that teams are intended to move from a generation step feature to a server runtime feature, allowing dynamic creation of an already generated MW)
LttP: All Rom Options are now on the new system
LttP: palette option "random" is now called "good"
LttP: Roms are now created as part of the general output file creation step
LttP: disable Music is now Music, removing potential double negatives
LttP & Factorio: Progressive option random is now grouped_random
LttP: Enemy damage option random is now Enemy damage: chaos
Other changes:
host.yaml Multi Mystery options were moved and changed
generate_output now has an output_directory argument
MultiWorld.get_game_players(<game>) now replaces <game>_player_ids
Python venv should now work properly
(There's still a lot of work ahead, such as:
registering locations and items to the World, as well as methods to create_item_from_name()
many more method names for various stages
embedding Options into the world type
and many more...)