* Overhauls control.lua template
- Adds buffering of received free-samples items.
- Players with a full inventory will receive new items as space becomes
- Players who do not yet exist in the world will receive all free samples
upon joining.
- When receiving new technologies, announce the technology BEFORE marking
it as researched so that it appears before its free samples in the log.
- If receiving a half-stack of free samples, use math.ceil on the division
in case a mod uses an odd number as a stack size... or a stack size of 1
- Handle free_samples logic in the Lua side rather than as part of a Jinja
template. This makes this hopefully more adaptable to a future setup
where all the rando information is shipped as startup settings.
* Apparently, I'm supposed to give myself credit. Or something.
add visibility option
fix tech_cost using the wrong variable name
fix yaml defaults not init'ing the Option class
fix potential pathing confusion in maseya palette shuffler
Minimum version per team made no sense, removed
also give warnings about deprecated LttP options
also fix FactorioClient.py getting stuck if send an unknown item id
also fix !missing having an extra newline after each entry
also default to no webui
* Stop resuing the memory region that was used formerly for compass stats.
* Add flags for dungeon prize collected. 7EF46B-7EF46C, same bit ordering as maps/compass/big key. Something useful for auto-tracking, so that it can know that you actually collected the Swamp Palace prize, even if duped out of another dungeon.
Retro single arrow now marks itself as purchased from every single shop location on initial purchase. (Nothing prevents you from buying your 'first' quiver if you already have one, however, its 6 hint points for the price of one in shop sanity.)
* Fix chests always being for yourself AND intended recipient for Race Rom seeds.
* Fix MultiMystery not being able to correctly pack Race Rom seeds into a zip file.
* Add tags to multidata for Race rom, Spoiler log, and Playthrough if spoiler log was generated.
Allows swordless medallion use everywhere, whether or not you are actually on swordless. It also allows for retrieving the tablets with just a hammer/book and the hammer to harm ganon.
* V32 MSU
* All items from chests/received in dark rooms now visible.
* Regular bunny can read signs
* Players up to Player 255 supported on send/received.
* Object-Oriented base changes for web-ui prep
* remove debug raise
* optimize broadcast to serialize once
* Implement WebUI socket, static assets, and classes
- Still need to wrap logging functions and send output to UI
- UI commands are successfully being sent to the server
* GUI operational. Wrap logging functions, implement server address selection on GUI, automatically launch web browser when client websocket is served
* Update MultiServer status when a user disconnects / reconnects
* Implement colored item and hint checks, improve GUI readability
* Fix improper formatting on received items
* Update SNES connection status on disconnect / reconnect. Implement itemFound, prevent accidentally printing JS objects
* Minor text change for itemFound
* Fixed a very wrong comment
* Fixed client commands not working, fixed un-helpful error messages appearing in GUI
* Fix a bug causing a failure to connect to a multiworld server if a previously existing cached address was present and the client was loaded without an address passed in
* Convert WebUI to React /w Redux. WebSocket communications not yet operational.
* WebUI fully converted to React / Redux.
- Websocket communication operational
- Added a button to connect to the multiserver which appears only when a SNES is connected and a server connection is not active
* Restore some features lost in WebUI
- Restore (found) notification on hints if the item has already been obtained
- Restore (x/y) indicator on received items, which indicates the number of items the client is waiting to receive from the client in a queue
* Fix a grammatical UI big causing player names to show only an apostrophe when possessive
* Add support for multiple SNES Devices, and switching between them
* freeze support for client
* make sure flask works when frozen
* UI Improvements
- Hint messages now actually show a found status via ✔ and ❌ emoji
- Active player name is always a different color than other players (orange for now)
- Add a toggle to show only entries relevant to the active player
- Added a WidgetArea
- Added a notes widget
* Received items now marked as relevant
* Include production build for deployment
* Notes now survive a browser close. Minimum width applied to monitor to prevent CSS issues.
* include webUi folder in setup.py
* Bugfixes for Monitor
- Fix a bug causing the monitor window to grow beyond it's intended content limit
- Reduced monitor content limit to 200 items
- Ensured each monitor entry has a unique key
* Prevent eslint from yelling at me about stupid things
* Add button to collapse sidebar, press enter on empty server input to disconnect on purpose
* WebUI is now aware of client disconnect, message log limit increased to 350, fix !missing output
* Update WebUI to v2.2.1
- Added color to WebUI for entrance-span
- Make !missing show total count at bottom of list to match /missing behavior
* Fix a bug causing clients version <= 2.2.0 to crash when anyone asks for a hint
- Also fix a bug in the WebUI causing the entrance location to always show as "somewhere"
* Update WebUI color palette (this cost me $50)
* allow text console input alongside web-ui
* remove Flask
a bit overkill for what we're doing
* remove jinja2
* Update WebUI to work with new hosting mechanism
* with flask gone, we no longer need subprocess shenanigans
* If multiple web ui clients try to run, at least present a working console
* Update MultiClient and WebUI to handle multiple clients simultaneously.
- The port on which the websocket for the WebUI is hosted is not chosen randomly from 5000 - 5999. This port is passed to the browser so it knows which MultiClient to connect to
- Removed failure condition if a web server is already running, as there is no need to run more than one web server on a single system. If an exception is thrown while attempting to launch a web server, a check is made for the port being unavailable. If the port is unavailable, it probably means the user is launching a second MultiClient. A web browser is then opened with a connection to the correct webui_socket_port.
- Add a /web command to the MultiClient to repoen the appropriate browser window and get params in case a user accidentally closes the tab
* Use proper name for WebUI
* move webui into /data with other data files
* make web ui optional
This is mostly for laptop users wanting to preserve some battery, should not be needed outside of that.
* fix direct server start
* re-add connection timer
* fix indentation
Co-authored-by: Chris <chris@legendserver.info>