Implement correct Retro Mode item pools.
Set up most of the key logic to handle retro mode (still needs shop access)
Set ROM flags appropriately.
TODO: Support Retro Mode with custom item pools, deal with shops in general, deal with Bow paired with arrow requirements, correct Expert item pool for silvers, test older fill algorithms with retro mode, deal with the new Sahas/Bomb Shop reveal map info ROM flags.
This just adds a GUI/command line option to set the variable into world for retro mode and puts the universal key item into the list of defined items. None of the functionality is yet present.
A new dropdown option is added to allow the player to choose heart color between four options: red, blue, green, and yellow. The adjuster supports this feature as well.
GT now pre-fills with junk if it's in the vanilla location regardless of the state of the shuffleganon flag.
The smith is now allowed to be in multi-entrance cave locations in the appropriate shuffles. A duplicate Old Man Cave (West) from bomb shop multis was also removed.
The previous fix for exit offset locations in insanity style modes didn't work because it checked for world.mode instead of world.shuffle. This corrects that.
This should enable Sanctuary and the back of escape to enter Ganon's slot in the crossed shuffle only. I also removed a small bit of code that no longer did anything (the code that serviced Agahnim's Tower always being in LW back when that was necessary) and cleaned up a lot of the comments in this file to more accurately reflect the modern environment.
This implements the new restricted shuffle that does not respect the difference between single and multi-entrance caves. Restricted_legacy is present for the old restricted behavior. Full_cross_worlds is renamed to Crossed, and all listing of shuffles is given a consistent order that pushes all the _legacy variants to the back.
This is necessary to account for exiting here without otherwise having access to the area behind the rocks. Will mostly come up in insanity but has some extreme niches where it could matter in full.