* Overhauls control.lua template
- Adds buffering of received free-samples items.
- Players with a full inventory will receive new items as space becomes
- Players who do not yet exist in the world will receive all free samples
upon joining.
- When receiving new technologies, announce the technology BEFORE marking
it as researched so that it appears before its free samples in the log.
- If receiving a half-stack of free samples, use math.ceil on the division
in case a mod uses an odd number as a stack size... or a stack size of 1
- Handle free_samples logic in the Lua side rather than as part of a Jinja
template. This makes this hopefully more adaptable to a future setup
where all the rando information is shipped as startup settings.
* Apparently, I'm supposed to give myself credit. Or something.
add visibility option
fix tech_cost using the wrong variable name
fix yaml defaults not init'ing the Option class
fix potential pathing confusion in maseya palette shuffler
Minimum version per team made no sense, removed
also give warnings about deprecated LttP options
also fix FactorioClient.py getting stuck if send an unknown item id
also fix !missing having an extra newline after each entry
also default to no webui