2021-06-25 21:32:13 +00:00
import typing
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
import re
2024-12-04 07:51:56 +00:00
from dataclasses import make_dataclass
2024-07-28 21:27:39 +00:00
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
from .ExtractedData import logic_options, starts, pool_options
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
from .Rules import cost_terms
2024-06-07 17:12:10 +00:00
from schema import And, Schema, Optional
2022-04-12 15:13:52 +00:00
2024-07-28 21:27:39 +00:00
from Options import Option, DefaultOnToggle, Toggle, Choice, Range, OptionDict, NamedRange, DeathLink, PerGameCommonOptions
2022-04-12 15:13:52 +00:00
from .Charms import vanilla_costs, names as charm_names
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
2022-06-08 22:27:43 +00:00
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
# avoid import during runtime
from random import Random
Random = typing.Any
2022-04-01 01:32:17 +00:00
locations = {"option_" + start: i for i, start in enumerate(starts)}
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
# This way the dynamic start names are picked up by the MetaClass Choice belongs to
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
StartLocation = type("StartLocation", (Choice,), {
"__module__": __name__,
"auto_display_name": False,
"display_name": "Start Location",
"__doc__": "Choose your start location. "
"This is currently only locked to King's Pass.",
2022-04-01 01:32:17 +00:00
del (locations)
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
option_docstrings = {
"RandomizeDreamers": "Allow for Dreamers to be randomized into the item pool and opens their locations for "
"RandomizeSkills": "Allow for Skills, such as Mantis Claw or Shade Soul, to be randomized into the item pool. "
2022-11-06 14:28:16 +00:00
"Also opens their locations\n for receiving randomized items.",
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
"RandomizeFocus": "Removes the ability to focus and randomizes it into the item pool.",
"RandomizeSwim": "Removes the ability to swim in water and randomizes it into the item pool.",
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
"RandomizeCharms": "Allow for Charms to be randomized into the item pool and open their locations for "
2022-11-06 14:28:16 +00:00
"randomization. Includes Charms\n sold in shops.",
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
"RandomizeKeys": "Allow for Keys to be randomized into the item pool. Includes those sold in shops.",
"RandomizeMaskShards": "Allow for Mask Shard to be randomized into the item pool and open their locations for"
" randomization.",
"RandomizeVesselFragments": "Allow for Vessel Fragments to be randomized into the item pool and open their "
"locations for randomization.",
"RandomizeCharmNotches": "Allow for Charm Notches to be randomized into the item pool. "
"Includes those sold by Salubra.",
"RandomizePaleOre": "Randomize Pale Ores into the item pool and open their locations for randomization.",
"RandomizeGeoChests": "Allow for Geo Chests to contain randomized items, "
"as well as their Geo reward being randomized into the item pool.",
"RandomizeJunkPitChests": "Randomize the contents of junk pit chests into the item pool and open their locations "
"for randomization.",
"RandomizeRancidEggs": "Randomize Rancid Eggs into the item pool and open their locations for randomization",
"RandomizeRelics": "Randomize Relics (King's Idol, et al.) into the item pool and open their locations for"
" randomization.",
"RandomizeWhisperingRoots": "Randomize the essence rewards from Whispering Roots into the item pool. Whispering "
2022-11-06 14:28:16 +00:00
"Roots will now grant a randomized\n item when completed. This can be previewed by "
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
"standing on the root.",
"RandomizeBossEssence": "Randomize boss essence drops, such as those for defeating Warrior Dreams, into the item "
2022-11-06 14:28:16 +00:00
"pool and open their locations\n for randomization.",
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
"RandomizeGrubs": "Randomize Grubs into the item pool and open their locations for randomization.",
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
"RandomizeMimics": "Randomize Mimic Grubs into the item pool and open their locations for randomization.",
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
"RandomizeMaps": "Randomize Maps into the item pool. This causes Cornifer to give you a message allowing you to see"
2022-11-06 14:28:16 +00:00
" and buy an item\n that is randomized into that location as well.",
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
"RandomizeStags": "Randomize Stag Stations unlocks into the item pool as well as placing randomized items "
"on the stag station bell/toll.",
"RandomizeLifebloodCocoons": "Randomize Lifeblood Cocoon grants into the item pool and open their locations"
" for randomization.",
"RandomizeGrimmkinFlames": "Randomize Grimmkin Flames into the item pool and open their locations for "
"RandomizeJournalEntries": "Randomize the Hunter's Journal as well as the findable journal entries into the item "
2022-11-06 14:28:16 +00:00
"pool, and open their locations\n for randomization. Does not include journal entries "
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
"gained by killing enemies.",
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
"RandomizeNail": "Removes the ability to swing the nail left, right and up, and shuffles these into the item pool.",
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
"RandomizeGeoRocks": "Randomize Geo Rock rewards into the item pool and open their locations for randomization.",
"RandomizeBossGeo": "Randomize boss Geo drops into the item pool and open those locations for randomization.",
"RandomizeSoulTotems": "Randomize Soul Refill items into the item pool and open the Soul Totem locations for"
" randomization.",
"RandomizeLoreTablets": "Randomize Lore items into the itempool, one per Lore Tablet, and place randomized item "
2022-11-06 14:28:16 +00:00
"grants on the tablets themselves.\n You must still read the tablet to get the item.",
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
"PreciseMovement": "Places skips into logic which require extremely precise player movement, possibly without "
2024-10-22 23:26:04 +00:00
"movement skills such as\n dash or claw.",
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
"ProficientCombat": "Places skips into logic which require proficient combat, possibly with limited items.",
"BackgroundObjectPogos": "Places skips into logic for locations which are reachable via pogoing off of "
"background objects.",
"EnemyPogos": "Places skips into logic for locations which are reachable via pogos off of enemies.",
"ObscureSkips": "Places skips into logic which are considered obscure enough that a beginner is not expected "
"to know them.",
"ShadeSkips": "Places shade skips into logic which utilize the player's shade for pogoing or damage boosting.",
"InfectionSkips": "Places skips into logic which are only possible after the crossroads become infected.",
"FireballSkips": "Places skips into logic which require the use of spells to reset fall speed while in mid-air.",
"SpikeTunnels": "Places skips into logic which require the navigation of narrow tunnels filled with spikes.",
"AcidSkips": "Places skips into logic which require crossing a pool of acid without Isma's Tear, or water if swim "
"is disabled.",
"DamageBoosts": "Places skips into logic which require you to take damage from an enemy or hazard to progress.",
"DangerousSkips": "Places skips into logic which contain a high risk of taking damage.",
"DarkRooms": "Places skips into logic which require navigating dark rooms without the use of the Lumafly Lantern.",
"ComplexSkips": "Places skips into logic which require intense setup or are obscure even beyond advanced skip "
"DifficultSkips": "Places skips into logic which are considered more difficult than typical.",
"RemoveSpellUpgrades": "Removes the second level of all spells from the item pool."
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
default_on = {
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
2024-05-30 17:57:54 +00:00
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
shop_to_option = {
"Seer": "SeerRewardSlots",
"Grubfather": "GrubfatherRewardSlots",
"Sly": "SlyShopSlots",
"Sly_(Key)": "SlyKeyShopSlots",
"Iselda": "IseldaShopSlots",
"Salubra": "SalubraShopSlots",
"Leg_Eater": "LegEaterShopSlots",
2023-07-11 09:49:40 +00:00
"Salubra_(Requires_Charms)": "SalubraCharmShopSlots",
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
"Egg_Shop": "EggShopSlots",
2021-06-25 21:32:13 +00:00
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
hollow_knight_randomize_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {}
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
splitter_pattern = re.compile(r'(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])')
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
for option_name, option_data in pool_options.items():
2022-04-02 18:49:27 +00:00
extra_data = {"__module__": __name__, "items": option_data[0], "locations": option_data[1]}
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
if option_name in option_docstrings:
2025-01-06 14:35:12 +00:00
if option_name == "RandomizeFocus":
# pool options for focus are just lying
count = 1
count = len([loc for loc in option_data[1] if loc != "Start"])
extra_data["__doc__"] = option_docstrings[option_name] + \
f"\n This option adds approximately {count} location{'s' if count != 1 else ''}."
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
if option_name in default_on:
option = type(option_name, (DefaultOnToggle,), extra_data)
option = type(option_name, (Toggle,), extra_data)
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
option.display_name = splitter_pattern.sub(" ", option_name)
2022-04-02 18:49:27 +00:00
globals()[option.__name__] = option
hollow_knight_randomize_options[option.__name__] = option
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
hollow_knight_logic_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {}
for option_name in logic_options.values():
if option_name in hollow_knight_randomize_options:
2022-04-04 22:13:25 +00:00
extra_data = {"__module__": __name__}
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
# some options, such as elevator pass, appear in logic_options despite explicitly being
# handled below as classes.
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
if option_name in option_docstrings:
extra_data["__doc__"] = option_docstrings[option_name]
option = type(option_name, (Toggle,), extra_data)
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
option.display_name = splitter_pattern.sub(" ", option_name)
globals()[option.__name__] = option
hollow_knight_logic_options[option.__name__] = option
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
class RandomizeElevatorPass(Toggle):
"""Adds an Elevator Pass item to the item pool, which is then required to use the large elevators connecting
City of Tears to the Forgotten Crossroads and Resting Grounds."""
display_name = "Randomize Elevator Pass"
default = False
class SplitMothwingCloak(Toggle):
"""Splits the Mothwing Cloak into left- and right-only versions of the item. Randomly adds a second left or
right Mothwing cloak item which functions as the upgrade to Shade Cloak."""
display_name = "Split Mothwing Cloak"
default = False
class SplitMantisClaw(Toggle):
"""Splits the Mantis Claw into left- and right-only versions of the item."""
display_name = "Split Mantis Claw"
default = False
class SplitCrystalHeart(Toggle):
"""Splits the Crystal Heart into left- and right-only versions of the item."""
display_name = "Split Crystal Heart"
default = False
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
class MinimumGrubPrice(Range):
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
"""The minimum grub price in the range of prices that an item should cost from Grubfather."""
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
display_name = "Minimum Grub Price"
range_start = 1
range_end = 46
default = 1
class MaximumGrubPrice(MinimumGrubPrice):
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
"""The maximum grub price in the range of prices that an item should cost from Grubfather."""
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
display_name = "Maximum Grub Price"
default = 23
class MinimumEssencePrice(Range):
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
"""The minimum essence price in the range of prices that an item should cost from Seer."""
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
display_name = "Minimum Essence Price"
range_start = 1
range_end = 2800
default = 1
class MaximumEssencePrice(MinimumEssencePrice):
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
"""The maximum essence price in the range of prices that an item should cost from Seer."""
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
display_name = "Maximum Essence Price"
default = 1400
class MinimumEggPrice(Range):
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
"""The minimum rancid egg price in the range of prices that an item should cost from Jiji.
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
Only takes effect if the EggSlotShops option is greater than 0."""
2025-01-06 14:21:44 +00:00
rich_text_doc = False
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
display_name = "Minimum Egg Price"
range_start = 1
2024-06-05 05:01:22 +00:00
range_end = 20
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
default = 1
class MaximumEggPrice(MinimumEggPrice):
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
"""The maximum rancid egg price in the range of prices that an item should cost from Jiji.
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
Only takes effect if the EggSlotShops option is greater than 0."""
2025-01-06 14:21:44 +00:00
rich_text_doc = False
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
display_name = "Maximum Egg Price"
default = 10
class MinimumCharmPrice(Range):
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
"""The minimum charm price in the range of prices that an item should cost for Salubra's shop item which also
carry a charm cost."""
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
display_name = "Minimum Charm Requirement"
range_start = 1
range_end = 40
default = 1
class MaximumCharmPrice(MinimumCharmPrice):
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
"""The maximum charm price in the range of prices that an item should cost for Salubra's shop item which also
carry a charm cost."""
2022-07-21 04:45:01 +00:00
display_name = "Maximum Charm Requirement"
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
default = 20
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
class MinimumGeoPrice(Range):
"""The minimum geo price for items in geo shops."""
display_name = "Minimum Geo Price"
range_start = 1
range_end = 200
default = 1
class MaximumGeoPrice(Range):
"""The maximum geo price for items in geo shops."""
2022-07-21 04:45:01 +00:00
display_name = "Maximum Geo Price"
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
range_start = 1
range_end = 2000
default = 400
2023-11-24 23:10:52 +00:00
class RandomCharmCosts(NamedRange):
2022-06-08 22:27:43 +00:00
"""Total Notch Cost of all Charms together. Vanilla sums to 90.
This value is distributed among all charms in a random fashion.
Special Cases:
2022-06-12 21:33:14 +00:00
Set to -1 or vanilla for vanilla costs.
Set to -2 or shuffle to shuffle around the vanilla costs to different charms."""
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
2025-01-06 14:21:44 +00:00
rich_text_doc = False
2022-04-03 22:10:13 +00:00
display_name = "Randomize Charm Notch Costs"
2023-11-24 23:10:52 +00:00
range_start = 0
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
range_end = 240
default = -1
2022-04-08 17:22:50 +00:00
vanilla_costs: typing.List[int] = vanilla_costs
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
charm_count: int = len(vanilla_costs)
2022-06-12 21:33:14 +00:00
special_range_names = {
"vanilla": -1,
"shuffle": -2
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
2022-06-08 22:27:43 +00:00
def get_costs(self, random_source: Random) -> typing.List[int]:
charms: typing.List[int]
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
if -1 == self.value:
2022-06-08 22:27:43 +00:00
return self.vanilla_costs.copy()
elif -2 == self.value:
charms = self.vanilla_costs.copy()
return charms
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
charms = [0] * self.charm_count
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
for x in range(self.value):
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
index = random_source.randint(0, self.charm_count - 1)
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
while charms[index] > 5:
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
index = random_source.randint(0, self.charm_count - 1)
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
charms[index] += 1
return charms
2024-12-15 21:48:44 +00:00
class CharmCost(Range):
range_end = 6
2022-04-12 15:13:52 +00:00
class PlandoCharmCosts(OptionDict):
"""Allows setting a Charm's Notch costs directly, mapping {name: cost}.
This is set after any random Charm Notch costs, if applicable."""
display_name = "Charm Notch Cost Plando"
valid_keys = frozenset(charm_names)
2024-06-07 17:12:10 +00:00
schema = Schema({
2024-11-29 19:43:33 +00:00
Optional(name): And(int, lambda n: 6 >= n >= 0, error="Charm costs must be integers in the range 0-6.") for name in charm_names
2024-06-07 17:12:10 +00:00
2022-04-12 15:13:52 +00:00
2024-12-15 21:48:44 +00:00
def __init__(self, value):
# To handle keys of random like other options, create an option instance from their values
# Additionally a vanilla keyword is added to plando individual charms to vanilla costs
# and default is disabled so as to not cause confusion
self.value = {}
for key, data in value.items():
if isinstance(data, str):
if data.lower() == "vanilla" and key in self.valid_keys:
self.value[key] = vanilla_costs[charm_names.index(key)]
elif data.lower() == "default":
# default is too easily confused with vanilla but actually 0
# skip CharmCost resolution to fail schema afterwords
self.value[key] = data
self.value[key] = CharmCost.from_any(data).value
except ValueError as ex:
# will fail schema afterwords
self.value[key] = data
2022-04-12 15:13:52 +00:00
def get_costs(self, charm_costs: typing.List[int]) -> typing.List[int]:
for name, cost in self.value.items():
charm_costs[charm_names.index(name)] = cost
return charm_costs
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
class SlyShopSlots(Range):
"""For each extra slot, add a location to the Sly Shop and a filler item to the item pool."""
display_name = "Sly Shop Slots"
default = 8
range_end = 16
class SlyKeyShopSlots(Range):
2022-11-06 14:28:16 +00:00
"""For each extra slot, add a location to the Sly Shop (requiring Shopkeeper's Key) and a filler item to the item
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
display_name = "Sly Key Shop Slots"
default = 6
range_end = 16
class IseldaShopSlots(Range):
"""For each extra slot, add a location to the Iselda Shop and a filler item to the item pool."""
display_name = "Iselda Shop Slots"
default = 2
range_end = 16
class SalubraShopSlots(Range):
"""For each extra slot, add a location to the Salubra Shop, and a filler item to the item pool."""
display_name = "Salubra Shop Slots"
default = 5
range_start = 0
range_end = 16
class SalubraCharmShopSlots(Range):
2022-11-06 14:28:16 +00:00
"""For each extra slot, add a location to the Salubra Shop (requiring Charms), and a filler item to the item
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
display_name = "Salubra Charm Shop Slots"
default = 5
range_end = 16
class LegEaterShopSlots(Range):
"""For each extra slot, add a location to the Leg Eater Shop and a filler item to the item pool."""
display_name = "Leg Eater Shop Slots"
default = 3
range_end = 16
class GrubfatherRewardSlots(Range):
"""For each extra slot, add a location to the Grubfather and a filler item to the item pool."""
display_name = "Grubfather Reward Slots"
default = 7
range_end = 16
class SeerRewardSlots(Range):
"""For each extra slot, add a location to the Seer and a filler item to the item pool."""
display_name = "Seer Reward Reward Slots"
default = 8
range_end = 16
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
class EggShopSlots(Range):
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
"""For each slot, add a location to the Egg Shop and a filler item to the item pool."""
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
display_name = "Egg Shop Item Slots"
range_end = 16
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
class ExtraShopSlots(Range):
"""For each extra slot, add a location to a randomly chosen shop a filler item to the item pool.
The Egg Shop will be excluded from this list unless it has at least one item.
Shops are capped at 16 items each.
display_name = "Additional Shop Slots"
default = 0
range_end = 9 * 16 # Number of shops x max slots per shop.
Hollow Knight updates (goals, WP/POP, etc.) (#438)
* Hollow Knight updates:
- Add configurable goals (Any, THK, Siblings, Radiance)
- Change base logic to require Opened_Black_Egg_Temple instead of
requiring 3 dreamers. This is future-proof for transition rando,
where Black Egg might not have been located yet.
- Add combat logic for THK and Radiance on par with Rando4's boss logic,
so itemless HK shouldn't be required.
- Existing completion logic now uses Black_Egg_te
- Add White Palace options
(Exclude, King Fragment Only, No Path of Pain, Include)
- Excluded WP may still be required for King Fragment if Charms are
not randomized
- Simply don't place WP locations that are excluded
- Distinguish between POP locations (required for POP), WP checks (
actual item locations), WP transitions (relevant for future transition
rando), and WP events (logically required to reach King Fragment)
- Many transitions were listed twice. Remove duplicates.
- Sort transitions by scene
- For randomizable locations that have no logical significance when not
randomized, simply skip adding them to the pool entirely for
theoretically faster generation.
* Hollow Knight updates
- Support random starting geo up to 1000 geo.
- Always include locations rather than dropping unrandomized "logicless"
ones, as it is required to best support same-slot coop.
2022-06-13 06:23:03 +00:00
class Goal(Choice):
"""The goal required of you in order to complete your run in Archipelago."""
display_name = "Goal"
option_any = 0
option_hollowknight = 1
option_siblings = 2
option_radiance = 3
2024-04-09 19:12:50 +00:00
option_godhome = 4
option_godhome_flower = 5
2024-08-08 18:33:13 +00:00
option_grub_hunt = 6
Hollow Knight updates (goals, WP/POP, etc.) (#438)
* Hollow Knight updates:
- Add configurable goals (Any, THK, Siblings, Radiance)
- Change base logic to require Opened_Black_Egg_Temple instead of
requiring 3 dreamers. This is future-proof for transition rando,
where Black Egg might not have been located yet.
- Add combat logic for THK and Radiance on par with Rando4's boss logic,
so itemless HK shouldn't be required.
- Existing completion logic now uses Black_Egg_te
- Add White Palace options
(Exclude, King Fragment Only, No Path of Pain, Include)
- Excluded WP may still be required for King Fragment if Charms are
not randomized
- Simply don't place WP locations that are excluded
- Distinguish between POP locations (required for POP), WP checks (
actual item locations), WP transitions (relevant for future transition
rando), and WP events (logically required to reach King Fragment)
- Many transitions were listed twice. Remove duplicates.
- Sort transitions by scene
- For randomizable locations that have no logical significance when not
randomized, simply skip adding them to the pool entirely for
theoretically faster generation.
* Hollow Knight updates
- Support random starting geo up to 1000 geo.
- Always include locations rather than dropping unrandomized "logicless"
ones, as it is required to best support same-slot coop.
2022-06-13 06:23:03 +00:00
default = 0
2024-08-08 18:33:13 +00:00
class GrubHuntGoal(NamedRange):
"""The amount of grubs required to finish Grub Hunt.
On 'All' any grubs from item links replacements etc. will be counted"""
2025-01-06 14:21:44 +00:00
rich_text_doc = False
2024-08-08 18:33:13 +00:00
display_name = "Grub Hunt Goal"
range_start = 1
range_end = 46
special_range_names = {"all": -1}
default = 46
Hollow Knight updates (goals, WP/POP, etc.) (#438)
* Hollow Knight updates:
- Add configurable goals (Any, THK, Siblings, Radiance)
- Change base logic to require Opened_Black_Egg_Temple instead of
requiring 3 dreamers. This is future-proof for transition rando,
where Black Egg might not have been located yet.
- Add combat logic for THK and Radiance on par with Rando4's boss logic,
so itemless HK shouldn't be required.
- Existing completion logic now uses Black_Egg_te
- Add White Palace options
(Exclude, King Fragment Only, No Path of Pain, Include)
- Excluded WP may still be required for King Fragment if Charms are
not randomized
- Simply don't place WP locations that are excluded
- Distinguish between POP locations (required for POP), WP checks (
actual item locations), WP transitions (relevant for future transition
rando), and WP events (logically required to reach King Fragment)
- Many transitions were listed twice. Remove duplicates.
- Sort transitions by scene
- For randomizable locations that have no logical significance when not
randomized, simply skip adding them to the pool entirely for
theoretically faster generation.
* Hollow Knight updates
- Support random starting geo up to 1000 geo.
- Always include locations rather than dropping unrandomized "logicless"
ones, as it is required to best support same-slot coop.
2022-06-13 06:23:03 +00:00
class WhitePalace(Choice):
2025-01-06 14:21:44 +00:00
Whether or not to include White Palace or not. Note: Even if excluded, the King Fragment check may still be
Hollow Knight updates (goals, WP/POP, etc.) (#438)
* Hollow Knight updates:
- Add configurable goals (Any, THK, Siblings, Radiance)
- Change base logic to require Opened_Black_Egg_Temple instead of
requiring 3 dreamers. This is future-proof for transition rando,
where Black Egg might not have been located yet.
- Add combat logic for THK and Radiance on par with Rando4's boss logic,
so itemless HK shouldn't be required.
- Existing completion logic now uses Black_Egg_te
- Add White Palace options
(Exclude, King Fragment Only, No Path of Pain, Include)
- Excluded WP may still be required for King Fragment if Charms are
not randomized
- Simply don't place WP locations that are excluded
- Distinguish between POP locations (required for POP), WP checks (
actual item locations), WP transitions (relevant for future transition
rando), and WP events (logically required to reach King Fragment)
- Many transitions were listed twice. Remove duplicates.
- Sort transitions by scene
- For randomizable locations that have no logical significance when not
randomized, simply skip adding them to the pool entirely for
theoretically faster generation.
* Hollow Knight updates
- Support random starting geo up to 1000 geo.
- Always include locations rather than dropping unrandomized "logicless"
ones, as it is required to best support same-slot coop.
2022-06-13 06:23:03 +00:00
required if charms are vanilla.
display_name = "White Palace"
option_exclude = 0 # No White Palace at all
option_kingfragment = 1 # Include King Fragment check only
option_nopathofpain = 2 # Exclude Path of Pain locations.
option_include = 3 # Include all White Palace locations, including Path of Pain.
default = 0
2023-12-17 16:11:40 +00:00
class ExtraPlatforms(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Places additional platforms to make traveling throughout Hallownest more convenient."""
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
display_name = "Extra Platforms"
2023-12-17 16:11:40 +00:00
2024-03-13 11:45:43 +00:00
class AddUnshuffledLocations(Toggle):
"""Adds non-randomized locations to the location pool, which allows syncing
of location state with co-op or automatic collection via collect.
Note: This will increase the number of location checks required to purchase
hints to the total maximum.
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
display_name = "Add Unshuffled Locations"
2024-03-13 11:45:43 +00:00
2023-12-17 16:11:40 +00:00
class DeathLinkShade(Choice):
"""Sets whether to create a shade when you are killed by a DeathLink and how to handle your existing shade, if any.
vanilla: DeathLink deaths function like any other death and overrides your existing shade (including geo), if any.
shadeless: DeathLink deaths do not spawn shades. Your existing shade (including geo), if any, is untouched.
shade: DeathLink deaths spawn a shade if you do not have an existing shade. Otherwise, it acts like shadeless.
* This option has no effect if DeathLink is disabled.
** Self-death shade behavior is not changed; if a self-death normally creates a shade in vanilla, it will override
your existing shade, if any.
2022-06-28 01:05:29 +00:00
2025-01-06 14:21:44 +00:00
rich_text_doc = False
2023-12-17 16:11:40 +00:00
option_vanilla = 0
2022-06-28 01:05:29 +00:00
option_shadeless = 1
2023-12-17 16:11:40 +00:00
option_shade = 2
default = 2
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
display_name = "Deathlink Shade Handling"
2023-12-17 16:11:40 +00:00
class DeathLinkBreaksFragileCharms(Toggle):
"""Sets if fragile charms break when you are killed by a DeathLink.
* This option has no effect if DeathLink is disabled.
** Self-death fragile charm behavior is not changed; if a self-death normally breaks fragile charms in vanilla, it
will continue to do so.
2025-01-06 14:21:44 +00:00
rich_text_doc = False
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
display_name = "Deathlink Breaks Fragile Charms"
2022-06-28 01:05:29 +00:00
Hollow Knight updates (goals, WP/POP, etc.) (#438)
* Hollow Knight updates:
- Add configurable goals (Any, THK, Siblings, Radiance)
- Change base logic to require Opened_Black_Egg_Temple instead of
requiring 3 dreamers. This is future-proof for transition rando,
where Black Egg might not have been located yet.
- Add combat logic for THK and Radiance on par with Rando4's boss logic,
so itemless HK shouldn't be required.
- Existing completion logic now uses Black_Egg_te
- Add White Palace options
(Exclude, King Fragment Only, No Path of Pain, Include)
- Excluded WP may still be required for King Fragment if Charms are
not randomized
- Simply don't place WP locations that are excluded
- Distinguish between POP locations (required for POP), WP checks (
actual item locations), WP transitions (relevant for future transition
rando), and WP events (logically required to reach King Fragment)
- Many transitions were listed twice. Remove duplicates.
- Sort transitions by scene
- For randomizable locations that have no logical significance when not
randomized, simply skip adding them to the pool entirely for
theoretically faster generation.
* Hollow Knight updates
- Support random starting geo up to 1000 geo.
- Always include locations rather than dropping unrandomized "logicless"
ones, as it is required to best support same-slot coop.
2022-06-13 06:23:03 +00:00
class StartingGeo(Range):
"""The amount of starting geo you have."""
display_name = "Starting Geo"
range_start = 0
range_end = 1000
default = 0
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
class CostSanity(Choice):
"""If enabled, most locations with costs (like stag stations) will have randomly determined costs.
If set to shopsonly, CostSanity will only apply to shops (including Grubfather, Seer and Egg Shop).
If set to notshops, CostSanity will only apply to non-shops (e.g. Stag stations and Cornifer locations)
These costs can be in Geo (except Grubfather, Seer and Eggshop), Grubs, Charms, Essence and/or Rancid Eggs
2025-01-06 14:21:44 +00:00
rich_text_doc = False
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
option_off = 0
alias_no = 0
option_on = 1
alias_yes = 1
option_shopsonly = 2
option_notshops = 3
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
display_name = "Costsanity"
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
class CostSanityHybridChance(Range):
"""The chance that a CostSanity cost will include two components instead of one, e.g. Grubs + Essence"""
range_end = 100
default = 10
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
display_name = "Costsanity Hybrid Chance"
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
cost_sanity_weights: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {}
for term, cost in cost_terms.items():
option_name = f"CostSanity{cost.option}Weight"
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
display_name = f"Costsanity {cost.option} Weight"
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
extra_data = {
"__module__": __name__, "range_end": 1000,
"__doc__": (
f"The likelihood of Costsanity choosing a {cost.option} cost."
" Chosen as a sum of all weights from other types."
"default": cost.weight
if cost == 'GEO':
extra_data["__doc__"] += " Geo costs will never be chosen for Grubfather, Seer, or Egg Shop."
option = type(option_name, (Range,), extra_data)
2024-03-28 15:49:19 +00:00
option.display_name = display_name
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
globals()[option.__name__] = option
cost_sanity_weights[option.__name__] = option
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
hollow_knight_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
RandomizeElevatorPass.__name__: RandomizeElevatorPass,
2022-04-01 01:23:52 +00:00
2022-06-28 01:05:29 +00:00
option.__name__: option
for option in (
2024-08-08 18:33:13 +00:00
StartLocation, Goal, GrubHuntGoal, WhitePalace, ExtraPlatforms, AddUnshuffledLocations, StartingGeo,
2023-12-17 16:11:40 +00:00
DeathLink, DeathLinkShade, DeathLinkBreaksFragileCharms,
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
MinimumGeoPrice, MaximumGeoPrice,
2022-06-28 01:05:29 +00:00
MinimumGrubPrice, MaximumGrubPrice,
MinimumEssencePrice, MaximumEssencePrice,
MinimumCharmPrice, MaximumCharmPrice,
RandomCharmCosts, PlandoCharmCosts,
MinimumEggPrice, MaximumEggPrice, EggShopSlots,
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
SlyShopSlots, SlyKeyShopSlots, IseldaShopSlots,
SalubraShopSlots, SalubraCharmShopSlots,
LegEaterShopSlots, GrubfatherRewardSlots,
SeerRewardSlots, ExtraShopSlots,
SplitCrystalHeart, SplitMothwingCloak, SplitMantisClaw,
2023-12-17 16:11:40 +00:00
CostSanity, CostSanityHybridChance
2022-06-28 01:05:29 +00:00
2022-07-03 15:10:10 +00:00
2021-06-25 21:32:13 +00:00
2024-07-28 21:27:39 +00:00
HKOptions = make_dataclass("HKOptions", [(name, option) for name, option in hollow_knight_options.items()], bases=(PerGameCommonOptions,))