
712 lines
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from __future__ import annotations
2021-01-02 11:49:43 +00:00
import asyncio
import typing
2021-11-28 03:06:30 +00:00
import builtins
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import pickle
import functools
import io
import collections
import importlib
import logging
from typing import BinaryIO, Coroutine, Optional, Set, Dict, Any, Union
from yaml import load, load_all, dump, SafeLoader
from yaml import CLoader as UnsafeLoader
from yaml import CDumper as Dumper
except ImportError:
from yaml import Loader as UnsafeLoader
from yaml import Dumper
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
import tkinter
import pathlib
def tuplize_version(version: str) -> Version:
return Version(*(int(piece, 10) for piece in version.split(".")))
class Version(typing.NamedTuple):
major: int
minor: int
2021-02-21 22:46:05 +00:00
build: int
2021-07-01 23:29:49 +00:00
__version__ = "0.3.9"
2021-06-18 20:15:54 +00:00
version_tuple = tuplize_version(__version__)
2020-04-20 12:50:49 +00:00
is_linux = sys.platform.startswith("linux")
is_macos = sys.platform == "darwin"
is_windows = sys.platform in ("win32", "cygwin", "msys")
def int16_as_bytes(value: int) -> typing.List[int]:
value = value & 0xFFFF
return [value & 0xFF, (value >> 8) & 0xFF]
def int32_as_bytes(value: int) -> typing.List[int]:
value = value & 0xFFFFFFFF
return [value & 0xFF, (value >> 8) & 0xFF, (value >> 16) & 0xFF, (value >> 24) & 0xFF]
def pc_to_snes(value: int) -> int:
2021-01-02 11:49:43 +00:00
return ((value << 1) & 0x7F0000) | (value & 0x7FFF) | 0x8000
2018-09-23 02:51:54 +00:00
def snes_to_pc(value: int) -> int:
2021-01-02 11:49:43 +00:00
return ((value & 0x7F0000) >> 1) | (value & 0x7FFF)
2018-09-23 02:51:54 +00:00
RetType = typing.TypeVar("RetType")
def cache_argsless(function: typing.Callable[[], RetType]) -> typing.Callable[[], RetType]:
assert not function.__code__.co_argcount, "Can only cache 0 argument functions with this cache."
2021-07-09 15:44:24 +00:00
sentinel = object()
result: typing.Union[object, RetType] = sentinel
2021-07-09 15:44:24 +00:00
def _wrap() -> RetType:
2021-07-09 15:44:24 +00:00
nonlocal result
if result is sentinel:
result = function()
return typing.cast(RetType, result)
2021-07-09 15:44:24 +00:00
return _wrap
def is_frozen() -> bool:
return typing.cast(bool, getattr(sys, 'frozen', False))
2022-03-31 03:08:15 +00:00
def local_path(*path: str) -> str:
"""Returns path to a file in the local Archipelago installation or source."""
if hasattr(local_path, 'cached_path'):
elif is_frozen():
2020-03-23 06:45:40 +00:00
if hasattr(sys, "_MEIPASS"):
# we are running in a PyInstaller bundle
local_path.cached_path = sys._MEIPASS # pylint: disable=protected-access,no-member
# cx_Freeze
local_path.cached_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
2020-03-23 06:45:40 +00:00
import __main__
if hasattr(__main__, "__file__") and os.path.isfile(__main__.__file__):
# we are running in a normal Python environment
local_path.cached_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__main__.__file__))
# pray
local_path.cached_path = os.path.abspath(".")
return os.path.join(local_path.cached_path, *path)
2021-01-02 11:49:43 +00:00
2022-03-31 03:08:15 +00:00
def home_path(*path: str) -> str:
"""Returns path to a file in the user home's Archipelago directory."""
if hasattr(home_path, 'cached_path'):
elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
home_path.cached_path = os.path.expanduser('~/Archipelago')
os.makedirs(home_path.cached_path, 0o700, exist_ok=True)
# not implemented
home_path.cached_path = local_path() # this will generate the same exceptions we got previously
return os.path.join(home_path.cached_path, *path)
2022-03-31 03:08:15 +00:00
def user_path(*path: str) -> str:
"""Returns either local_path or home_path based on write permissions."""
if hasattr(user_path, "cached_path"):
2022-03-31 03:08:15 +00:00
elif os.access(local_path(), os.W_OK):
user_path.cached_path = local_path()
user_path.cached_path = home_path()
# populate home from local - TODO: upgrade feature
if user_path.cached_path != local_path() and not os.path.exists(user_path("host.yaml")):
import shutil
for dn in ("Players", "data/sprites"):
2022-03-31 03:08:15 +00:00
shutil.copytree(local_path(dn), user_path(dn), dirs_exist_ok=True)
for fn in ("manifest.json", "host.yaml"):
2022-03-31 03:08:15 +00:00
shutil.copy2(local_path(fn), user_path(fn))
return os.path.join(user_path.cached_path, *path)
def output_path(*path: str) -> str:
2022-03-31 03:08:15 +00:00
if hasattr(output_path, 'cached_path'):
return os.path.join(output_path.cached_path, *path)
2022-03-31 03:08:15 +00:00
output_path.cached_path = user_path(get_options()["general_options"]["output_path"])
path = os.path.join(output_path.cached_path, *path)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True)
return path
2021-01-02 11:49:43 +00:00
def open_file(filename: typing.Union[str, "pathlib.Path"]) -> None:
if is_windows:
from shutil import which
open_command = which("open") if is_macos else (which("xdg-open") or which("gnome-open") or which("kde-open"))[open_command, filename])
2021-01-02 11:49:43 +00:00
# from with some changes
class UniqueKeyLoader(SafeLoader):
def construct_mapping(self, node, deep=False):
mapping = set()
for key_node, value_node in node.value:
key = self.construct_object(key_node, deep=deep)
if key in mapping:
logging.error(f"YAML duplicates sanity check failed{key_node.start_mark}")
raise KeyError(f"Duplicate key {key} found in YAML. Already found keys: {mapping}.")
return super().construct_mapping(node, deep)
parse_yaml = functools.partial(load, Loader=UniqueKeyLoader)
parse_yamls = functools.partial(load_all, Loader=UniqueKeyLoader)
unsafe_parse_yaml = functools.partial(load, Loader=UnsafeLoader)
del load, load_all # should not be used. don't leak their names
2021-07-30 23:40:27 +00:00
2021-11-13 22:14:26 +00:00
def get_cert_none_ssl_context():
import ssl
ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
ctx.check_hostname = False
ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
return ctx
2021-07-09 15:44:24 +00:00
def get_public_ipv4() -> str:
import socket
import urllib.request
ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
2021-11-13 22:14:26 +00:00
ctx = get_cert_none_ssl_context()
ip = urllib.request.urlopen("", context=ctx, timeout=10).read().decode("utf8").strip()
except Exception as e:
# noinspection PyBroadException
ip = urllib.request.urlopen("", context=ctx, timeout=10).read().decode("utf8").strip()
except Exception:
pass # we could be offline, in a local game, so no point in erroring out
return ip
2021-07-30 23:40:27 +00:00
2021-07-09 15:44:24 +00:00
2020-06-14 07:06:37 +00:00
def get_public_ipv6() -> str:
import socket
import urllib.request
ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
2021-11-13 22:14:26 +00:00
ctx = get_cert_none_ssl_context()
2020-06-14 07:06:37 +00:00
ip = urllib.request.urlopen("", context=ctx, timeout=10).read().decode("utf8").strip()
2020-06-14 07:06:37 +00:00
except Exception as e:
2020-06-21 14:13:42 +00:00
pass # we could be offline, in a local game, or ipv6 may not be available
2020-06-14 07:06:37 +00:00
return ip
2021-07-30 23:40:27 +00:00
OptionsType = typing.Dict[str, typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]
2021-07-09 15:44:24 +00:00
def get_default_options() -> OptionsType:
2021-07-09 15:44:24 +00:00
# Refer to host.yaml for comments as to what all these options mean.
options = {
"general_options": {
"output_path": "output",
"factorio_options": {
"executable": os.path.join("factorio", "bin", "x64", "factorio"),
"filter_item_sends": False,
"bridge_chat_out": True,
2021-07-09 15:44:24 +00:00
"sni_options": {
"sni_path": "SNI",
"snes_rom_start": True,
"sm_options": {
2021-11-12 13:36:34 +00:00
"rom_file": "Super Metroid (JU).sfc",
2021-11-13 19:52:30 +00:00
"soe_options": {
"rom_file": "Secret of Evermore (USA).sfc",
2021-07-09 15:44:24 +00:00
"lttp_options": {
"rom_file": "Zelda no Densetsu - Kamigami no Triforce (Japan).sfc",
"server_options": {
"host": None,
"port": 38281,
"password": None,
"multidata": None,
"savefile": None,
"disable_save": False,
"loglevel": "info",
"server_password": None,
"disable_item_cheat": False,
"location_check_points": 1,
"hint_cost": 10,
"release_mode": "goal",
"collect_mode": "disabled",
2021-07-09 15:44:24 +00:00
"remaining_mode": "goal",
"auto_shutdown": 0,
"compatibility": 2,
"log_network": 0
"generator": {
"enemizer_path": os.path.join("EnemizerCLI", "EnemizerCLI.Core"),
2021-07-09 15:44:24 +00:00
"player_files_path": "Players",
"players": 0,
"weights_file_path": "weights.yaml",
"meta_file_path": "meta.yaml",
"spoiler": 3,
2021-07-09 15:44:24 +00:00
"glitch_triforce_room": 1,
"race": 0,
"plando_options": "bosses",
"minecraft_options": {
"forge_directory": "Minecraft Forge server",
"max_heap_size": "2G",
"release_channel": "release"
Ocarina of Time (#64) * first commit (not including OoT data files yet) * added some basic options * rule parser works now at least * make sure to commit everything this time * temporary change to BaseClasses for oot * overworld location graph builds mostly correctly * adding oot data files * commenting out world options until later since they only existed to make the RuleParser work * conversion functions between AP ids and OOT ids * world graph outputs * set scrub prices * itempool generates, entrances connected, way too many options added * fixed set_rules and set_shop_rules * temp baseclasses changes * Reaches the fill step now, old event-based system retained in case the new way breaks * Song placements and misc fixes everywhere * temporary changes to make oot work * changed root exits for AP fill framework * prevent infinite recursion due to OoT sharing usage of the address field * age reachability works hopefully, songs are broken again * working spoiler log generation on beatable-only * Logic tricks implemented * need this for logic tricks * fixed map/compass being placed on Serenade location * kill unreachable events before filling the world * add a bunch of utility functions to prepare for rom patching * move OptionList into generic options * fixed some silly bugs with OptionList * properly seed all random behavior (so far) * ROM generation working * fix hints trying to get alttp dungeon hint texts * continue fixing hints * add oot to network data package * change item and location IDs to 66000 and 67000 range respectively * push removed items to precollected items * fixed various issues with cross-contamination with multiple world generation * reenable glitched logic (hopefully) * glitched world files age-check fix * cleaned up some get_locations calls * added token shuffle and scrub shuffle, modified some options slightly to make the parsing work * reenable MQ dungeons * fix forest mq exception * made targeting style an option for now, will be cosmetic later * reminder to move targeting to cosmetics * some oot option maintenance * enabled starting time of day * fixed issue breaking shop slots in multiworld generation * added "off" option for text shuffle and hints * shopsanity functionality restored * change patch file extension * remove unnecessary utility functions + imports * update MIT license * change option to "patch_uncompressed_rom" instead of "compress_rom" * compliance with new AutoWorld systems * Kill only internal events, remove non-internal big poe event in code * re-add the big poe event and handle it correctly * remove extra method in Range option * fix typo * Starting items, starting with consumables option * do not remove nonexistent item * move set_shop_rules to after shop items are placed * some cleanup * add retries for song placement * flagged Skull Mask and Mask of Truth as advancement items * update OoT to use LogicMixin * Fixed trying to assign starting items from the wrong players * fixed song retry step * improved option handling, comments, and starting item replacements * DefaultOnToggle writes Yes or No to spoiler * enable compression of output if Compress executable is present * clean up compression * check whether (de)compressor exists before running the process * allow specification of rom path in host.yaml * check if decompressed file already exists before decompressing again * fix triforce hunt generation * rename all the oot state functions with prefix * OoT: mark triforce pieces as completion goal for triforce hunt * added overworld and any-dungeon shuffle for dungeon items * Hide most unshuffled locations and events from the list of locations in spoiler * build oot option ranges with a generic function instead of defining each separately * move oot output-type control to host.yaml instead of individual yamls * implement dungeon song shuffle * minor improvements to overworld dungeon item shuffle * remove random ice trap names in shops, mostly to avoid maintaining a massive censor list * always output patch file to folder, remove option to generate ROM in preparation for removal * re-add the fix for infinite recursion due to not being light or dark world * change AP-sendable to Ocarina of Time model, since the triforce piece has some extra code apparently * oot: remove item_names and location_names * oot: minor fixes * oot: comment out ROM patching * oot: only add CollectionState objects on creation if actually needed * main entrance shuffle method and entrances-based rules * fix entrances based rules * disable master quest and big poe count options for client compatibility * use get_player_name instead of get_player_names * fix OptionList * fix oot options for new option system * new coop section in oot rom: expand player names to 16 bytes, write AP_PLAYER_NAME at end of PLAYER_NAMES * fill AP player name in oot rom with 0 instead of 0xDF * encode player name with ASCII for fixed-width * revert oot player name array to 8 bytes per name * remove Pierre location if fast scarecrow is on * check player name length * "free_scarecrow" not "fast_scarecrow" * OoT locations now properly store the AP ID instead of the oot internal ID * oot __version__ updates in lockstep with AP version * pull in unmodified oot cosmetic files * also grab JSONDump since it's needed apparently * gather extra needed methods, modify imports * delete cosmetics log, replace all instances of SettingsList with OOTWorld * cosmetic options working, except for sound effects (due to ear-safe issues) * SFX, Music, and Fanfare randomization reenabled * move OoT data files into the worlds folder * move Compress and Decompress into oot data folder * Replace get_all_state with custom method to avoid the cache * OoT ROM: increment item counter before setting incoming item/player values to 0, preventing desync issues * set data_version to 0 * make Kokiri Sword shuffle off by default * reenable "Random Choice" for various cosmetic options * kill Ruto's Letter turnin if open fountain also fix for shopsanity * place Buy Goron/Zora Tunic first in shop shuffle * make ice traps appear as other items instead of breaking generation * managed to break ice traps on non-major-only * only handle ice traps if they are on * fix shopsanity for non-oot games, and write player name instead of player number * light arrows hint uses player name instead of player number * Reenable "skip child zelda" option * fix entrances_based_rules * fix ganondorf hint if starting with light arrows * fix dungeonitem shuffle and shopsanity interaction * remove has_all_of, has_any_of, count_of in BaseClasses, replace usage with has_all, has_any, has_group * force local giveable item on ZL if skip_child_zelda and shuffle_song_items is any * keep bosses and bombchu bowling chus out of data package * revert workaround for infinite recursion and fix it properly * fix shared shop id caches during patching process * fix shop text box overflows, as much as possible * add default oot host.yaml option * add .apz5, .n64, .z64 to gitignore * Properly document and name all (functioning) OOT options * clean up some imports * remove unnecessary files from oot's data * fix typo in gitignore * readd the Compress and Decompress utilities, since they are needed for generation * cleanup of imports and some minor optimizations * increase shop offset for item IDs to 0xCB * remove shop item AP ids entirely * prevent triforce pieces for other players from being received by yourself * add "excluded" property to Location * Hint system adapted and reenabled; hints still unseeded * make hints deterministic with lists instead of sets * do not allow hints to point to Light Arrows on non-vanilla bridge * foreign locations hint as their full name in OoT rather than their region * checkedLocations now stores hint names by player ID, so that the same location in different worlds can have hints associated * consolidate versioning in Utils * ice traps appear as major items rather than any progression item * set prescription and claim check as defaults for adult trade item settings * add oot options to playerSettings * allow case-insensitive logic tricks in yaml * fix oot shopsanity option formatting * Write OoT override info even if local item, enabling local checks to show up immediately in the client * implement CollectionState.can_live_dmg for oot glitched logic * filter item names for invalid characters when patching shops * make ice traps appear according to the settings of the world they are shuffled into, rather than the original world * set hidden-spoiler items and locations with Shop items to events * make GF carpenters, Gerudo Card, Malon, ZL, and Impa events if the relevant settings are enabled, preventing them from appearing in the client on game start * Fix oot Glitched and No Logic generation * fix indenting * Greatly reduce displayed cosmetic options * Change oot data version to 1 * add apz5 distribution to webhost * print player name if an ALttP dungeon contains a good item for OoT world * delete unneeded commented code * remove OcarinaSongs import to satisfy lint
2021-09-02 12:35:05 +00:00
"oot_options": {
"rom_file": "The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time.z64",
"rom_start": True
"dkc3_options": {
"rom_file": "Donkey Kong Country 3 - Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! (USA) (En,Fr).sfc",
"smw_options": {
"rom_file": "Super Mario World (USA).sfc",
New Game: Zillion (#1081) * Option RangeWithSpecialMax * amendment to typing in web options * compare string with number * lots of work on zillion * fix zillion fill logic * fix a few more issues in zillion fill logic * can make zillion patch and use it * put multi items in zillion rom * work on ZillionClient * logging and auth in client * work on sending and receiving items * implement item_handling flag * fix locations ids to NuktiServer package * use rewrite of zri * cache logic rule data for performance * use new id maps * fix some problems with the big recent merge * ZillionClient: use new context manager for Memory class * fix ItemClassification for Zillion items and some debug statements for asserts, documentation on running scripts for manual testing type correction in CommonContext * fix some issues in client, start on docs, put rescue and item ram addresses in slot data * use new location name system fix item locations getting out of sync in progression balancing * zillion client can read slot name from game * zillion: new item names * remove extra unneeded import * newer options (room gen and starting cards) * update comment in zillion patch * zillion non static regions * change some logging, update some comments * allow ZillionClient to exit in certain situations * todo note to fix options doc strings * don't force auto forfeit * rework validation of floppy requirement and item counts and fix race condition in generate_output * reorganize Zillion component structure with System class * documentation updates for Zillion * attempt inno_setup.iss * remove todo comment for something done * update comment * rework item count zillion options and some small cleanups * fix location check count * data package version 1 * Zillion can pass unit tests without rom * fix freeze if closing ZillionClient while it's waiting for server login * specify commit hash for zilliandomizer package * some changes to options validation * Zillion doors saved on multiworld server * add missing function in inno_setup and name of vanilla continues in options * rework zillion sync task and context * Apply documentation suggestions from SoldierofOrder Co-authored-by: SoldierofOrder <> * update zillion package * workaround for asyncio udp bug There is a bug in Python in Windows that makes it so if I look for RetroArch before it's ready, it breaks the asyncio udp transport system. As a workaround, we don't look for RetroArch until the user asks for it with /sms * a few of the smaller suggestions from review * logic only looks at my locations instead of all the multiworld locations * some adjustments from pull request discussion and some unit tests * patch webhost changes from pull request discussion * zillion logic tests * better vblr test * test interaction of character rescue items with logic * move unit tests to new worlds folder * comment improvements * fix minor logic issue and add memory read timeout * capitalization in option display names Opa-Opa is a proper noun * redirect zz stdout to debug * fix option validation bug making unbeatable seeds * remove line that does nothing * attach logic cache to world Co-authored-by: SoldierofOrder <> Co-authored-by: Doug Hoskisson <>
2022-10-20 17:41:11 +00:00
"zillion_options": {
"rom_file": "Zillion (UE) [!].sms",
# RetroArch doesn't make it easy to launch a game from the command line.
# You have to know the path to the emulator core library on the user's computer.
"rom_start": "retroarch",
"pokemon_rb_options": {
"red_rom_file": "Pokemon Red (UE) [S][!].gb",
"blue_rom_file": "Pokemon Blue (UE) [S][!].gb",
"rom_start": True
"ffr_options": {
"display_msgs": True,
"lufia2ac_options": {
"rom_file": "Lufia II - Rise of the Sinistrals (USA).sfc",
"tloz_options": {
"rom_file": "Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0) [!].nes",
"rom_start": True,
"display_msgs": True,
"wargroove_options": {
"root_directory": "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Wargroove"
2021-07-09 15:44:24 +00:00
return options
2020-11-28 19:34:29 +00:00
def update_options(src: dict, dest: dict, filename: str, keys: list) -> OptionsType:
for key, value in src.items():
new_keys = keys.copy()
option_name = '.'.join(new_keys)
if key not in dest:
dest[key] = value
2021-07-30 23:40:27 +00:00
if filename.endswith("options.yaml"):"Warning: {filename} is missing {option_name}")
elif isinstance(value, dict):
if not isinstance(dest.get(key, None), dict):
2021-07-30 23:40:27 +00:00
if filename.endswith("options.yaml"):"Warning: {filename} has {option_name}, but it is not a dictionary. overwriting.")
dest[key] = value
dest[key] = update_options(value, dest[key], filename, new_keys)
return dest
2020-11-28 19:34:29 +00:00
2021-07-30 23:40:27 +00:00
2021-07-09 15:44:24 +00:00
def get_options() -> OptionsType:
filenames = ("options.yaml", "host.yaml")
locations: typing.List[str] = []
if os.path.join(os.getcwd()) != local_path():
locations += filenames # use files from cwd only if it's not the local_path
locations += [user_path(filename) for filename in filenames]
for location in locations:
if os.path.exists(location):
with open(location) as f:
options = parse_yaml(
return update_options(get_default_options(), options, location, list())
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find {filenames[1]} to load options.")
def persistent_store(category: str, key: typing.Any, value: typing.Any):
2022-03-31 03:08:15 +00:00
path = user_path("_persistent_storage.yaml")
storage: dict = persistent_load()
category = storage.setdefault(category, {})
category[key] = value
with open(path, "wt") as f:
f.write(dump(storage, Dumper=Dumper))
def persistent_load() -> typing.Dict[str, dict]:
storage = getattr(persistent_load, "storage", None)
if storage:
return storage
2022-03-31 03:08:15 +00:00
path = user_path("_persistent_storage.yaml")
storage: dict = {}
if os.path.exists(path):
with open(path, "r") as f:
storage = unsafe_parse_yaml(
except Exception as e:
logging.debug(f"Could not read store: {e}")
if storage is None:
storage = {} = storage
return storage
def get_adjuster_settings(game_name: str) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
adjuster_settings = persistent_load().get("adjuster", {}).get(game_name, {})
return adjuster_settings
2021-07-09 15:44:24 +00:00
def get_unique_identifier():
uuid = persistent_load().get("client", {}).get("uuid", None)
if uuid:
return uuid
import uuid
uuid = uuid.getnode()
persistent_store("client", "uuid", uuid)
return uuid
2020-09-08 23:41:37 +00:00
safe_builtins = frozenset((
2020-09-08 23:41:37 +00:00
2020-09-08 23:41:37 +00:00
class RestrictedUnpickler(pickle.Unpickler):
2021-09-17 23:02:26 +00:00
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(RestrictedUnpickler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.options_module = importlib.import_module("Options")
self.net_utils_module = importlib.import_module("NetUtils")
self.generic_properties_module = importlib.import_module("worlds.generic")
2021-09-17 23:02:26 +00:00
2020-09-08 23:41:37 +00:00
def find_class(self, module, name):
if module == "builtins" and name in safe_builtins:
return getattr(builtins, name)
2021-09-17 23:02:26 +00:00
# used by MultiServer -> savegame/multidata
2022-01-30 12:57:12 +00:00
if module == "NetUtils" and name in {"NetworkItem", "ClientStatus", "Hint", "SlotType", "NetworkSlot"}:
2021-09-17 23:02:26 +00:00
return getattr(self.net_utils_module, name)
# Options and Plando are unpickled by WebHost -> Generate
if module == "worlds.generic" and name in {"PlandoItem", "PlandoConnection"}:
return getattr(self.generic_properties_module, name)
# pep 8 specifies that modules should have "all-lowercase names" (options, not Options)
if module.lower().endswith("options"):
2021-09-17 23:02:26 +00:00
if module == "Options":
mod = self.options_module
mod = importlib.import_module(module)
obj = getattr(mod, name)
if issubclass(obj, self.options_module.Option):
2021-05-16 20:59:45 +00:00
return obj
2020-09-08 23:41:37 +00:00
# Forbid everything else.
raise pickle.UnpicklingError(f"global '{module}.{name}' is forbidden")
2020-09-08 23:41:37 +00:00
def restricted_loads(s):
"""Helper function analogous to pickle.loads()."""
return RestrictedUnpickler(io.BytesIO(s)).load()
2021-07-09 15:44:24 +00:00
class KeyedDefaultDict(collections.defaultdict):
2022-08-12 04:52:01 +00:00
"""defaultdict variant that uses the missing key as argument to default_factory"""
default_factory: typing.Callable[[typing.Any], typing.Any]
def __missing__(self, key):
self[key] = value = self.default_factory(key)
return value
def get_text_between(text: str, start: str, end: str) -> str:
return text[text.index(start) + len(start): text.rindex(end)]
2021-11-10 14:35:43 +00:00
2022-08-17 22:27:37 +00:00
def get_text_after(text: str, start: str) -> str:
return text[text.index(start) + len(start):]
2021-11-10 14:35:43 +00:00
loglevel_mapping = {'error': logging.ERROR, 'info': logging.INFO, 'warning': logging.WARNING, 'debug': logging.DEBUG}
def init_logging(name: str, loglevel: typing.Union[str, int] = logging.INFO, write_mode: str = "w",
log_format: str = "[%(name)s at %(asctime)s]: %(message)s",
exception_logger: typing.Optional[str] = None):
import datetime
2021-11-10 14:35:43 +00:00
loglevel: int = loglevel_mapping.get(loglevel, loglevel)
2022-03-31 03:08:15 +00:00
log_folder = user_path("logs")
2021-11-10 14:35:43 +00:00
os.makedirs(log_folder, exist_ok=True)
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
for handler in root_logger.handlers[:]:
if "a" not in write_mode:
name += f"_{'%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')}"
2021-11-10 14:35:43 +00:00
file_handler = logging.FileHandler(
os.path.join(log_folder, f"{name}.txt"),
if sys.stdout:
2021-11-17 21:46:32 +00:00
# Relay unhandled exceptions to logger.
if not getattr(sys.excepthook, "_wrapped", False): # skip if already modified
orig_hook = sys.excepthook
def handle_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
if issubclass(exc_type, KeyboardInterrupt):
sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
logging.getLogger(exception_logger).exception("Uncaught exception",
exc_info=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback))
return orig_hook(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
handle_exception._wrapped = True
sys.excepthook = handle_exception
2021-11-28 03:06:30 +00:00
def _cleanup():
for file in os.scandir(log_folder):
last_change = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(file.stat().st_mtime)
if - last_change > datetime.timedelta(days=7):
except Exception as e:
logging.debug(f"Deleted old logfile {file.path}")
import threading
threading.Thread(target=_cleanup, name="LogCleaner").start()
import platform
f"Archipelago ({__version__}) logging initialized"
f" on {platform.platform()}"
f" running Python {sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}.{sys.version_info.micro}"
2021-11-28 03:06:30 +00:00
def stream_input(stream, queue):
def queuer():
while 1:
text = stream.readline().strip()
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
if text:
2021-11-28 03:06:30 +00:00
from threading import Thread
thread = Thread(target=queuer, name=f"Stream handler for {}", daemon=True)
return thread
def tkinter_center_window(window: "tkinter.Tk") -> None:
x = int(window.winfo_screenwidth() / 2 - window.winfo_reqwidth() / 2)
y = int(window.winfo_screenheight() / 2 - window.winfo_reqheight() / 2)
2022-02-24 03:47:01 +00:00
class VersionException(Exception):
2022-02-24 03:47:01 +00:00
def chaining_prefix(index: int, labels: typing.Tuple[str]) -> str:
text = ""
max_label = len(labels) - 1
while index > max_label:
text += labels[-1]
index -= max_label
return labels[index] + text
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def format_SI_prefix(value, power=1000, power_labels=("", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y")) -> str:
"""Formats a value into a value + metric/si prefix. More info at"""
import decimal
2022-02-24 03:47:01 +00:00
n = 0
value = decimal.Decimal(value)
limit = power - decimal.Decimal("0.005")
while value >= limit:
2022-02-24 03:47:01 +00:00
value /= power
n += 1
return f"{value.quantize(decimal.Decimal('1.00'))} {chaining_prefix(n, power_labels)}"
def get_fuzzy_results(input_word: str, wordlist: typing.Sequence[str], limit: typing.Optional[int] = None) \
-> typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, int]]:
import jellyfish
def get_fuzzy_ratio(word1: str, word2: str) -> float:
return (1 - jellyfish.damerau_levenshtein_distance(word1.lower(), word2.lower())
/ max(len(word1), len(word2)))
limit: int = limit if limit else len(wordlist)
return list(
lambda container: (container[0], int(container[1]*100)), # convert up to limit to int %
map(lambda candidate:
(candidate, get_fuzzy_ratio(input_word, candidate)),
key=lambda element: element[1],
def open_filename(title: str, filetypes: typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[str, typing.Sequence[str]]]) \
-> typing.Optional[str]:
def run(*args: str):
return, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout.split("\n", 1)[0] or None
if is_linux:
# prefer native dialog
from shutil import which
kdialog = which("kdialog")
if kdialog:
k_filters = '|'.join((f'{text} (*{" *".join(ext)})' for (text, ext) in filetypes))
return run(kdialog, f"--title={title}", "--getopenfilename", ".", k_filters)
zenity = which("zenity")
if zenity:
z_filters = (f'--file-filter={text} ({", ".join(ext)}) | *{" *".join(ext)}' for (text, ext) in filetypes)
return run(zenity, f"--title={title}", "--file-selection", *z_filters)
# fall back to tk
import tkinter
import tkinter.filedialog
except Exception as e:
logging.error('Could not load tkinter, which is likely not installed. '
f'This attempt was made because open_filename was used for "{title}".')
raise e
root = tkinter.Tk()
return tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename(title=title, filetypes=((t[0], ' '.join(t[1])) for t in filetypes))
def messagebox(title: str, text: str, error: bool = False) -> None:
def run(*args: str):
return, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout.split("\n", 1)[0] or None
def is_kivy_running():
if "kivy" in sys.modules:
from import App
return App.get_running_app() is not None
return False
if is_kivy_running():
from kvui import MessageBox
MessageBox(title, text, error).open()
if is_linux and "tkinter" not in sys.modules:
# prefer native dialog
from shutil import which
kdialog = which("kdialog")
if kdialog:
return run(kdialog, f"--title={title}", "--error" if error else "--msgbox", text)
zenity = which("zenity")
if zenity:
return run(zenity, f"--title={title}", f"--text={text}", "--error" if error else "--info")
# fall back to tk
import tkinter
from tkinter.messagebox import showerror, showinfo
except Exception as e:
logging.error('Could not load tkinter, which is likely not installed. '
f'This attempt was made because messagebox was used for "{title}".')
raise e
root = tkinter.Tk()
showerror(title, text) if error else showinfo(title, text)
def title_sorted(data: typing.Sequence, key=None, ignore: typing.Set = frozenset(("a", "the"))):
"""Sorts a sequence of text ignoring typical articles like "a" or "the" in the beginning."""
def sorter(element: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> str:
if (not isinstance(element, str)):
element = element["title"]
parts = element.split(maxsplit=1)
if parts[0].lower() in ignore:
return parts[1].lower()
return element.lower()
return sorted(data, key=lambda i: sorter(key(i)) if key else sorter(i))
def read_snes_rom(stream: BinaryIO, strip_header: bool = True) -> bytearray:
"""Reads rom into bytearray and optionally strips off any smc header"""
buffer = bytearray(
if strip_header and len(buffer) % 0x400 == 0x200:
return buffer[0x200:]
return buffer
_faf_tasks: "Set[asyncio.Task[None]]" = set()
def async_start(co: Coroutine[typing.Any, typing.Any, bool], name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
Use this to start a task when you don't keep a reference to it or immediately await it,
to prevent early garbage collection. "fire-and-forget"
# Python docs:
# ```
# Important: Save a reference to the result of [asyncio.create_task],
# to avoid a task disappearing mid-execution.
# ```
# This implementation follows the pattern given in that documentation.
task = asyncio.create_task(co, name=name)