* Fix chests always being for yourself AND intended recipient for Race Rom seeds.
* Fix MultiMystery not being able to correctly pack Race Rom seeds into a zip file.
* Add tags to multidata for Race rom, Spoiler log, and Playthrough if spoiler log was generated.
Enemy Shuffle awareness
Easy Item Functionality awareness
Dark Room Logic option
Boss Item Shuffle option
Silverless Ganon is a Minor Glitch
Faster Dungeon Item Fill
* Restore pre-aga1 dark world dungeon behavior in glitched logics
In any logic that does not patch out fake worlds, dying in a Dark World dungeon before defeating Aghanim 1 will now put you in Fake Dark World. (vanilla behavior)
* Apply fake world fix to minor glitches
Minor glitches players don't really need to make use of fake worlds - eventually want to add a "fake_worlds" yaml option so players can choose whether or not to have the fix applied
* V32 MSU
* All items from chests/received in dark rooms now visible.
* Regular bunny can read signs
* Players up to Player 255 supported on send/received.
Add logic for superbunny access to Sahasrahla's closet (with boots)
Add logic for superbunny through Two Brother's House (with boots)
Fix superbunny logic for spiral cave and mini moldorm cave - requires a sword
Add logic for waterwalking into Waterfall Cave
Add clip to Ice Palace entrance (requires boots, pearl and flippers)
Add extra clips to inverted owg logic - PoD and Dark Lake Hylia Ledge are now in logic with just boots
Add clip to flute point 6 into inverted owg logic - some light world locations are now accessible with boots and mitts, but no pearl or mirror.
* Fix bug where collected maps show on item menu if compass shuffle is on, (and collected compasses if map shuffle is on.)
* Add Dungeon Counter Options
Note: We still do not have anything to reveal required Ganon crystal
counts in inverted mode. For non-inverted it is revealed at a sign on
the pyramid, which might be less than ideal.
Replaces existing check_only_beatable, which became the "none" option.
TR can run out of key placement options, with the 100% locations
option, but I really don't care enough. It exists mostly for people who
want to 100% a seed, or to point to if they ask about keys locked behind
Partial support for Progressive bow
- Still needs to be added to item pool
- Silver hint handling remains TBD even for VT
Added weapons selection.
- Vanilla needs to be implemented
- Assured needs to be implemented
- Inverted swordless is almost certainly messed up.
- Swordless standard mode will likely softlock
- Random weapon standard mode is currently treated as uncle assured
Deleted removed difficulties
- Remaining difficulties still need to be adjusted
Added locked property to locations:
- This is used for preplaced items etc so that multiworld balancing
knows they cannot be moved.
Made a few of the difficulty changes from V31, but not all.
Added required text changes to handle crystals requirements
- More changes will likely me made in future
- Currently there is is no way to tell ganon requirement in
Inverted mode
Merging in Cassidoxa's inverted mode.
I've still not fully reviewed the logic used in this mode, so it should be considered experimental, pending an in depth review by either myself or AA.
Does not include the server/client code or the rom writes
specific to it. Indeed it cannot write multiworld roms at
all right now, pending addition future updates to support
the official ALTTPR Multiworld client.
Includes some GUI changes by Alaszun
Co-authored-by: Alaszun <koelze@google.com>
This update should fully fix the key logic for Turtle Rock. This involved fixing several longstanding bugs in the program we didn't realize we had until trying to really fix this issue. Notable inclusions are that now seeds generated with a count will be identical to similarly numbered seeds generated individually and that now the always allows actually work (key for key apparently actually never happened in ER before and we didn't notice!). This also required refactoring the item pool generation before rule setting and individually moving pendant/crystal placement out of item pool generation (it's not a separate step between rule setting and normal item fill). A few exotic seed generation fails are still possible involving multi-entrance dungeons being really, really inaccessible in non-keysanity, but they're now appropriately super rare instead of being as common as they were before.
This fixes two issues:
-The same seed number was producing (subtly) different seeds. This was caused by misplaced random calls in the changes to the entrance shuffle; these calls to the rng were happening before the random seed was decided. Re-arranging that function should solve this. Thanks to hycutype for both noticing this and providing a solution.
-Retro mode was broken with the addition of hints. This was caused by the retro exclusive regions not having defined hints (for reasons I truly question myself over, they are defined in ItemList.py...) and then further by an obscure function in copy_world that builds the playthrough and deals with the sword cave not being updated for the new three parameter regions (region objects used to only require two parameters). This has been fixed.
This should now work fairly completely. I've added the IR's junk hint text, updated the base ROM to v30, added a checkbox to the GUI/option to the command line to control the hint system, and fixed a bug in the previous upload that listed Skull Woods final erroneously in two arrays. I also now shuffle the Silver Arrow locations before hinting at the first one (so if multiple Silver Arrows are in a seed, all of them are equally likely to be the one Ganon hints at) and now call out "Castle Tower" in hints as a unique location and not as "Hyrule Castle" (what was I thinking on that?).
This just adds a GUI/command line option to set the variable into world for retro mode and puts the universal key item into the list of defined items. None of the functionality is yet present.
A new dropdown option is added to allow the player to choose heart color between four options: red, blue, green, and yellow. The adjuster supports this feature as well.
GT now pre-fills with junk if it's in the vanilla location regardless of the state of the shuffleganon flag.
The smith is now allowed to be in multi-entrance cave locations in the appropriate shuffles. A duplicate Old Man Cave (West) from bomb shop multis was also removed.
It now shuffles super bomb into multi-entrance caves
(The list of entrances that owuld be blacksmith safe are marked, but
they are not safe because dwarf will not enter them, we may patch this
Also include a missing dungeon region in the hyrule castle dungeon
Include Tower of Hera as a valid old man location in new Full shuffle
This is the starting point for the new custom item pool feature that will let users specify the item pool. It is functional, perhaps due for some minor tweaking and definitely needs more testing. The command line side is bad, just two parameters that hopefully don't do anything under any circumstance if the user tries to use them (don't really intend to support a command line version of this feature); maybe there's a better way to let the command line ER work in general without having any opportunity to activate this feature. The GUI should probably show the user the sum of the current item pool out of 153 so the user knows how to size the item pool more easily, but that's a todo.